Donatella Melucci

Donatella Melucci was born and raised in Italy where she earned her University degree (Laurea) in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Bari.

Donatella Melucci

She received a doctorate in Rhetoric/Composition & Linguistics from Arizona State University. As a lecturer at Arizona State University, she also served as coordinator for the lower and upper division of the undergraduate program. Now she is a full-time Teaching Professor at Georgetown University. Her fields of specialization are syntax and methodologies for teaching Italian as a second/foreign language. Her studies have also focused on the use of technology in foreign language classes. She is also interested in translation studies. At Arizona State University she participated in developing a new curriculum based on teaching language in context for the Italian Intermediate level classes. She also developed other courses to be delivered in class and online. She has presented several research papers at conferences in Italy and in the United States. Among her publications, she co-authored a custom workbook to accompany Ciao!, a textbook for elementary Italian. She also authored the Internet activities to accompany Con fantasia, a textbook for intermediate Italian published by Heinle-Thomson. In 2009 she co-authored Da Capo, 7th edition, a language textbook for intermediate Italian. In 2009 she translated from Italian to English a book titled Ricchezza Francescana (Franciscan Wealth), written by Giacomo Todeschini, from Italian to English, which was published by The Franciscan Institute Publications, NY. In 2014 she co-authored Piazza: Luogo di incontri 1st edition, a language textbook for beginner/intermediate Italian. In 2015 she translated from Italian to English a book titled Keep calm e passeggia per Milano (Keep Calm and Enjoy Milan)