Research & Publications

The following is a non-exhaustive list of recent faculty research and scholarship, including publications, presentations and working projects, categorized by subject area and author.

Communication, Public Relations, Social Media and Cause Engagement
Global Hospitality Leadership
Humanities, Social Sciences and Film Studies
Leadership, Organizational Development, Human Resources and Diversity and Inclusion
Security, IT, Technology Management, Cloud Computing and Online Education
Real Estate, Urban Planning and Development and Redevelopment
Sports Management and Sports Marketing
Emergency and Disaster Management
English Language Teaching and Learning

Communication, Public Relations, Social Media and Cause Engagement

St. John, B., Martinelli, D., Pritchard, R., Spaulding, C. (2018). Cases in Public Relations Strategy
Topics: communication, public relations, integrated communications
Summary: Cases in Public Relations Strategy draws on original, real-world case studies to provide students with a strategic approach to meeting the needs of a client before, during, and beyond a campaign.

Dixon, J., & Keyes, D. (2013). The permanent disruption of social media.
Topics: communication, social media, cause engagement
Summary: Social media has chipped away at the foundation of traditional donor-engagement models. A new study highlights the realities of donor behavior and how organizations can redesign their outreach strategies to be more effective.

Dixon, J., Keyes. D., Ruiz, C., Ballou, L., Woolf, K., Sanderson, C., Bhende, S., Colkitt, G., & Baird, J. (2013). The digital social citizen.
Topics: social impact communication, social media, marketing, cause engagement
Summary: A quantitative study with the objective of fostering a deeper understanding of perceptions, behavior and motivations for cause support—both local and global—among digitally engaged American adults. Criteria for inclusion in the survey panel included online or offline support of a charity or cause during the previous 12 months, moderate activity on social media, and following at least one brand, company or organization on a social media platform. Market research firm Authentic Response fielded the online survey among 2,004 qualified American adults, ages 18 and over.

Keyes, D., Dixon, J., Weyler. A., Buchy, J., Arnold, D., Wayman, J., Temple, S., Friedman, K., Patterson, J., D’Agostino, H., Liang, A., & Guiskoff, J. (2010). Dynamics of cause engagement.
Topics: cause engagement, social impact communication
Summary: This study showcases trends in cause involvement and evaluating the role of a variety of activities in fostering engagement. An online survey was conducted by TNS Global among a nationally representative sample of 2,000 Americans ages 18 and over.

McCabe, D. M. (2009). The ethics of short-selling and naked short-selling.
Topics: business ethics
Summary: This article focuses on the controversy over short selling that has continued unabated from the introduction of modern equity trading in Amsterdam in 1610 to the present day. Naked short selling creates ethical issues for short sellers, buyers, brokers, market makers, and regulators.

McCabe, D. M. (2006). Compulsory arbitration in nonunion employee relations: A strategic ethical analysis.
Topics: business ethics, public policy
Summary: This paper provides an overview of the most recent public policy and ethical issues as they relate to the growing usage of nonunion employment arbitration particularly in relation to financial services firms and professional firms.

McCabe, D. M. (2005). Competitiveness and productivity in the federal and public sector: The role of alternative dispute resolution.
Topics: business ethics, management, public policy, conflict
Summary: This paper delineates policy recommendations for federal sector management, labor, and neutrals in the area of alternative dispute resolution and conflict resolution mechanisms in the maturing arena of federal sector labor-management relations. The great desideratum in the arena of labor relations in the federal sector of the economy is harmony based on the resolving of conflicting interests of employees and their government employers.

Yoon, H., & Egger, H. (2004). Begging for change (Harper Business).
Topics: nonprofit management, leadership
Summary: This book is essential reading for nonprofit managers, corporate leaders, and, most of all, any citizen who has ever cared enough to give of themselves to a worthy cause.

Global Hospitality Leadership

Tucker, E. (2017). Government meeting: A case study of protocol and ethics. In D. Terry & A. Cecil (Eds.), Contemporary cases in event management. Dubuque, IA: Kendell Hunt Publishing [Book Chapter]
Topics: ethics, government, event management
Summary: The Contemporary Cases in Event Management is a collection of 14 case studies featuring a wide variety of event management areas involving government meetings, trade shows, association meetings, PRIDE gatherings, and more.

Humanities, Social Sciences and Film Studies

Ambrosio, F., Garr, W., Maloney, E., & Schlafly, T. (2012). MyDante: An online environment for collaborative and contemplative reading.
Topics: philosophy, religion, digital scholarship
Summary: This paper explores the tensions between individual and collaborative aspects of reading in the context of MyDante, a digital environment for the study of Dante’s Divine Comedy. A view into the long-standing pedagogical experiment has been undertaken to integrate the MyDante site into an undergraduate philosophy course.

Ambrosio, F. (2007). Dante and Derrida: Face to face (State of New York Press).
Topics: philosophy, religious studies, Dante, Derrida
Summary: This book examines the case for entrusting responsibility to a writer who has said of himself that he “rightly passes” for an atheist. This study evokes the powerful connection of both Dante’s Commedia and Derrida’s Circumfession with St. Augustine’s Confessions. A close reading of Dante’s poem alongside certain of Derrida’s later texts, especially The Gift of Death, Memoirs of the Blind and “To Forgive,” reveals a bond of companionship in writing between them arising from the shared experience of religious conversion.

Blattner, W. (2009). What Heidegger and Dewey could learn from each other.
Topics: philosophy, romanticism, existentialism
Summary: This article discusses a half century ago when Martin Heidegger was seen as a representative of a tradition of modern philosophy alien to the spirit of America. Not only was he a spokesman and sometimes agent for a totalitarian political regime, but his philosophical writings seemed to embody the spirit of irrationalism nurtured in the nest of romanticism and existentialism.

Blattner, W. (2006). Heidegger’s being and time: A reader’s guide (Harper & Row).
Topics: philosophy, existentialism
Summary: This book offers some approaches to the fundamental elements of Heidegger's Being and Time novel and an analysis of human existence.

Blattner, W. (2004). Heidegger’s Kantian idealism revisited.
Topics: philosophy, existentialism, idealism
Summary: his article is a revised interpretation of Heidegger’s ‘ontological idealism,’ and its relationship to Kant’s transcendental idealism.

Glucklick, A. (2009). Dying for heaven: Holy pleasure and suicide bombers-Why the best qualities of religion are also its worst.
Topics: religious studies, political science, terrorism
Summary: This article argues the provocative thesis that the very best qualities of religion—its ability to make people feel good and bring them together-are in fact it’s most dangerous. Whether you are a suicide bomber or the leader of a country with nuclear weapons, fervent belief in an afterlife, in a messianic future, or in honor, love and self-sacrifice, makes complete self-annihilation a tolerable-even attractive-outcome to any conflict that threatens your society’ sway of life.

Glucklick, A. (2008). The strides of Vishnu: A historical introduction to Hinduism (Oxford University Press).
Topics: religious studies, Hinduism, history
Summary: This book considers the Hinduism religion and the three principle gods: Brahma, Shiva, and Vishu. A historical analysis of the god, Vishnu, known as the preserver, is examined in relation to the cultural significance.

Glucklich, A. (2003). Climbing chamundi hill (HarperCollins).
Topics: religious studies, Hinduism
Summary: In this book, a journey of spiritual progression through commentaries on Indian folk and fairy tales from a Shiva devotee. Drawing on the traditions of Hinduism, this book creates a postmodern novel on anti-foundationalism.

Heck, P. L. (2009). Common ground: Islam, Christianity, and religious pluralism (Georgetown University Press).
Topics: religious studies, philosophy, Islam, Christianity
Summary: In this book, Heck describes the Christian-Muslim interaction in all corners of the globe. Many celebrate the commonality of these traditions but significant differences remain. If these religions cannot be easily reconciled, can we perhaps view them through a single albeit refractive lens? This is the approach Paul Heck takes in Common Ground: To undertake a study of religious pluralism as a theological and social reality, and to approach the two religions in tandem as part of a broader discussion on the nature of the good society.

Heck, P. L. (2007). Sufism – what is it exactly?
Topics: religious studies, philosophy, Islam
Summary: This article examines Sufism, which is commonly called mysticism, the mysticism of Islam, but is it mysticism and what is its relation to Islam? Despite diverse expressions and modernist and reformist attempts to disassociate it from Islam, Sufism is the spirituality of Islam.

Heck, P. L. (2007). Noble character in Islam.
Topics: religious studies, Islam
Summary: This article examines whether the mystical point of view contributes anything to the noble character in Islam.

Heck, P. L. (2006). The crisis of knowledge in Islam: The case of al-‘amiri.
Topics: religious studies, Islam, philosophy
Summary: This article treats one response, made by a Muslim philosopher of the fourth/tenth century, to the crisis of knowledge engendered by this far-reaching diversity.

Heck, P. L. (2006).Mysticism and morality: The case of Sufism.
Topics: religious studies, Islam, philosophy
Summary: In this journal, Sufism—spiritual practice, intellectual discipline, literary tradition, and social institution—has played an integral role in the moral formation of Muslim society. Its aspiration toward a universal kindness to all creatures beyond the requirements of Islamic law has added a distinctly hypernomian dimension to the moral vision of Islam, as evidenced in a wide range of Sufi literature.

Heck, P. L. (2004). Jihad revisited.
Topics: religious studies, Islam
Summary: This article offers an overview of the various formulations of jihad during the first six Islamic centuries (7th–13th CE), showing them to be embedded in particular socio-historical contexts. If the essential significance of jihad as righteous cause (i.e., action for the sake of a moral order) is shown to have been variously altered according to the needs and conditions of the Muslim community, significant possibilities arise for a contemporary understanding of jihad that is relevant to the needs and circumstances of the Muslim community today.

Heck, P. L. (2005). Religion and the authoritarian state: The case of Syria.
Topics: religious studies, Islam
Summary: In this article, religious pluralism is examined in the context of the Islam religion.

Heck, P. L. (2005). Eschatological scripturalism and the end of community: The case of early kharijism.
Topics: religious studies, Islam, philosophy, scripture
Summary: In this article, scriptural rhetoric is compared in a community context of the Islam religion.

Hopkinson, N., & Moore, N. (2006). Deconstruction Tyrone: A new look at black masculinity in the hip-hop generation (Cleis Press)
Topics: black masculinity, women, hip-hop
Summary: In this book, Moore and Hopkinson examine Black masculinity from a variety of perspectives, looking not for consensus but for insight. With chapters on Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, on the complicated relationship between women and hip-hop, on babydaddies, on gay Black men on and off the down low, on strippers and their fathers, on Black men in the office, at school, and in jail, Deconstructing Tyrone presents a multifaceted picture of American Black men now.

Linafelt, T., & Brueggemann, W. (2012). An introduction to the Old Testament (Westminster John Knox Press).
Topics: religious studies, Christianity, philosophy
Summary: In this book, Brueggemann and Linafelt introduce the reader to the broad theological scope of the Old Testament, treating some of the most important issues and methods in contemporary biblical interpretation. This clearly written textbook focuses on the literature of the Old Testament as it grew out of religious, political, and ideological contexts over many centuries in Israel's history.

Linafelt, T. (2010). Poetic line structure in Qohelet 3:1.
Topics: religious studies, philosophy
Summary: In this note we argue for understanding Qoh 3:1 as verse (the opening to the poem that follows in 3:2-8) and consider possible lineation options, proposing in the process a new way of under-standing its structure as a couplet. With only limited and erratic early manuscript evidence for lineation and no explicit, contemporary comment on this topic, the line structure of biblical Hebrew poems will always be in need of (re)construction. The exercise undertaken here exemplifies the kind of (re)constructive endeavor we believe necessary for thinking seriously about line structure in biblical verse.

Linafelt, T. (2010). Narrative and poetic art in the Book of Ruth.
Topics: religious studies, Christianity, Judaism, biblical text
Summary: This article discusses the Book of Ruth, in many respects it is a classic example of biblical Hebrew narrative, with its stripped-down style and the opaqueness of its character's inner lives and motivations. There are two examples of formal poetry in the book (1:16–17 and 1:20–21). Biblical poetry works with a very different set of literary conventions than narrative, and by taking note of those conventions, we can see the distinctive contributions made by these poems to the book as a whole.

Linafelt, T. (2008). Prolegomena to meaning, or, what is ’literary’ about the Torah?
Topics: religious studies, biblical text, philosophy
Summary: This article discusses the drastic economy of biblical narrative style is not simply to be equated with an absence of style but rather represents a distinctive narrative poetics, which turns in particular on the opaqueness of characters' inner lives and thus on the essential ambiguity of character motivation. Such practical criticism, by rigorously lingering over the details and structures of the literature, serves as an indispensable prolegomena to the meaning-making project of interpretation, theological or otherwise.

Linafelt, T. (2006). The wizard of uz: Job and the limits of the sublime.
Topics: religious studies, classical literature, philosophy
Summary: Comparing the book of Job with The Wizard of Oz brings out quite a few substantial similarities between the two. Whether or not these similarities are the result of direct, conscious influence, considering these two classic works together leads to a more interesting and complex evaluation of each on its own. In particular, we may see that both works demonstrate a knowing engagement with what aesthetic theory would identify as "the beautiful" and "the sublime." Ultimately, The Wizard of Oz rejects the sublime in favor of the beautiful, whereas the book of Job, though implying a critique of the sublime as represented in the God-speeches, holds on to both the sublime and the beautiful as legitimate categories.

Linafelt, T. (2005). The arithmetic of Eros.
Topics: religious studies, philosophy
Summary: This article discusses the complexity of erotic love in the book "Song of Songs." Information on the treatments of erotic love in Greek philosopher Plato's philosophical dialogue "The Symposium"; Background on "Song of Songs"; Introduction of a third character in the book aside from the two lovers.

Reynolds, T. (2006). Ethical issues: Western philosophical and religious perspectives. (Wadsworth Publishing).
Topics: religious studies, philosophy
Summary: This book is the rare contemporary moral problems anthology that privileges depth over breadth. Containing readings on moral theory and practice from a collection of today's most important thinkers and drawing on philosophical and religious perspectives, it offers important, divergent viewpoints on some of today's most hotly contested issues.

Reynolds, T. (2005). The phenomenon of religious faith.
Topics: religious studies, existentialism
Summary: This anthology focuses on a variety of perspectives on religious faith with their differing approaches to the roles of reason, knowledge, the will, belief, and language. Engaging and accessible, it provides thought-provoking selections that will appeal to a large variety of readers. It opens by posing fundamental questions surrounding belief and unbelief, and then moves ahead to examine the arguments for God's existence and the four classic models of religious faith.

Ruf, F.J. (2009). Pluralistic pilgrimage: Travel as the quest for the strange.
Topics: religious studies, Christian pilgrimage
Summary: In this article, Ruf examines the Medieval Christian pilgrimage, the opportunity for reform, and the search for one’s identity.

Ruf, F. J. (2007). Bewildered travel: The sacred quest for confusion. (University of Virginia Press).
Topics: religious studies
Summary: In this book, Ruf argues that this confusion, which we might think of simply as a necessary evil, is in fact the very thing we are seeking when we leave home. Ruf relates this quest for confusion to our religious behavior. Citing William James, who defined the religious as what enables us to "front life," Ruf contends that the search for bewilderment allows us to point our craft into the wind and sail headlong into the storm rather than flee from it. This view challenges the Eliadean tradition that stresses religious ritual as a shield against the world’s chaos. Ruf sees our departures from the familiar as a crucial component in a spiritual life, reminding us of the central role of pilgrimage in religion.

Sanders, T. (2009). Approaching eden: Adam and Eve in popular culture.
Topics: religious studies, Christianity
Summary: The biblical story of Adam and Eve is applied to a contemporary context in popular culture.

Sanders, T. (2008). God and Guns, Catholics in the movies.
Topics: religious studies, Catholicism
Summary: An introductory essay orients readers to the ways that films appear in culture and describes the broad trends that can be seen in the movies' hundred-year history of representing Catholics. Each chapter is written by a noted scholar of American religion who concentrates on one movie engaging important historical, artistic, and religious issues. The American cultural and social history is discusses in the film as an expression of Catholic concerns of the period, and relates the film to others of its genre.

Sanders, T. (2007). Tenebrae: Holy Week after the Holocaust. (Orbiz Books).
Topics: religious studies, Holocaust, Christianity
Summary: This book focuses on the Holocaust in relationship to the responsibilities that Christians bear in their symbols and theologies.

Sanders, T. (2007). Excerpt from celluloid saints, the religion and film reader. (Routledge).
Topics: religious studies
Summary: This book brings together the key writings in this exciting and dynamic discipline. In over sixty interviews, essays and reviews from numerous directors, film critics and scholars, this anthology offers the most complete survey of this emerging field to date. Sander’s “Except from Celluloid Saints” is one of the essays.

Sanders, T. (2004). Ash Wednesday after Auschwitz.
Topics: religious studies, Christianity, Catholicism
Summary: This essay shows how the Catholic Ash Wednesday liturgy can be illuminated by Job's last speech, wherein we learn that we are creatures who stand before a world we do not understand, that we must take responsibility for our actions even when God does not seem so inclined, and that meaningful repentance can happen only in the presence of those we have wronged. The essay concludes with a consideration of how the meaning of death changed with the twentieth century's capacity for inflicting mass annihilation.

Tambasco, A. J. (2006). In the days of Jesus: the Jewish background and unique teaching of Jesus. (Paulist Press).
Topics: religious studies, Judaism, Christianity
Summary: This book provides insight on how much Jesus was a part of his Jewish culture and how much he moved beyond this culture to new and unique insights. The human exist of Jesus is examined.

Tambasco, A. J. (2006). In the days of Paul: The social world and teaching of the apostle. (Wipf & Stock Pub).
Topics: religious studies, Judaism, Christianity
Summary: In this book, the life and time of Paul is examined in terms of his conversion, teachings, and the Empire during the time.

Leadership, Organizational Development, Human Resources and Diversity and Inclusion

Gregerman, A. (2013). The necessity of strangers: The intriguing truth about insight, innovation, and success. (Jossey-Bass).
Topics: leadership and innovation
Summary: This book explores the power of connecting with and learning from people who are different than we are as a key to our success as individuals and organizations.

Meier, Steven R. (2008). Building and managing an effective project team
Topics: project management, leadership, technology, organizational change
Summary: A team approach is often the best solution for capturing new opportunities or addressing complex issues on short timescales. This article articulates best practices.

Stanley, J. Woody (2012). “Applying Performance-Based Management Practices in the U.S. Federal Highway Administration: A Practitioner's Perspective” [International Review of Public Administration, 17, 3, 117-130].
Topics: Organizational development, federal government, strategic planning

Stanley, J. Woody (2015). “Citizen Engagement: A Case Study of Participation in Agency Strategic Planning [Online publication].
Topics: Organizational development, federal government, strategic planning
Summary: This article describes the DOT’s recent efforts through an online dialogue to engage citizens in agency strategic planning.

Stanley, J. Woody (2014). National Online Dialogue: A Case Study of Participation and Collaboration in Agency Strategic Planning [Conference presentation].
Topics: Organizational development, federal government, strategic planning

Stanley, J. Woody (2014). The Challenge of Implementing Strategic Management Reforms at the U.S. Department of Transportation, in Developments in Strategic and Performance Management, Eds. Joyce, P., Bryson, J. and M. Holzer. London: Palgrave McMillan, 108-120. [Chapter in book].
Topics: Organizational development, federal government, strategic planning
Summary: Twenty years ago, Congress enacted the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). This legislation was intended to reform the strategic management practices of federal government agencies by requiring agency leaders to develop a strategic plan with outcome-oriented goals, identify performance measures and targets for each of the goals, and annually report their progress in achieving these goals. This book explores challenges associated with implementing reforms.

Stanley, J. Woody and C. Weare (2004). The Effects of Internet Use on Political Participation: Evidence from an Agency Online Discussion Forum [Article in journal].
Topics: Federal government, strategic planning, Internet

Traynham, R. (2013). What will the state of African Americans be in Obama’s second term? [Panel presentation].
Topics: politics, Obama, GOP, African American
Summary: Traynham served on a panel for the National Urban League and discussed the state of black America and what the GOP needs to do to remain relevant.

Traynham, R. (2013). Emerging black political thought and beyond the 47% [Conference presentation].
Topics: Obama, cultural diversity, politics, elections, Republican
Summary: This conference presentation on emerging black political thought was at the Keystone Honors Society at Cheyney University and centered on the 2012 U.S. presidential election.

Traynham, R. (2013). Anticipating beyond the 47% [Conference presentation].
Topics: election, Republican, minorities
Summary: This conference presentation on the GOP’s branding problem was at the Symposium on Leadership sponsored by the Ripon Society and centered on the 2012 U.S. presidential election.

Wahl, C., Scriber, C., & Bloomfield, B. (2013). On becoming a leadership coach: A holistic approach to coaching excellence (2nd ed.).
Topics: coaching, leadership, organizational development
Summary: Drawing upon the curriculum of one of the premier coach training programs in the world, this book's second edition focuses on coaching leaders in the context of the organizational systems within which they lead. Forty percent of this edition consists of new and revised material, including chapters on professional coaching, self-awareness, cultures in coaching, coaching relationships, behavioral practices, and grounded assessments.

Security, IT, Technology Management, Cloud Computing and Online Education

Bengfort, B., Bilbro, R., Ojeda, T. (2018). Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language-Aware Data Products with Machine Learning
Topic: machine learning, text analysis, python
Summary: This practical book presents a data scientist’s approach to building language-aware products with applied machine learning.

Lemieux, F. (2018). Intelligence and State Surveillance in Modern Societies: An International Perspective
Topic: Intelligence, national security, surveillance
Summary: This book will be of interest to those seeking to understand the intelligence environment in modern times, providing a broad understanding of current and emerging issues related to intelligence activities and offers a unique way of thinking about contemporary challenges in this field.

Lemieux, F. (2018). Police Cooperation Across Jurisdictions
Topic: security, criminology
Summary: This article explores the evolution of police cooperation across jurisdictions since the end of the Second World War.

Martin, T. (2012). Assessing mHealth: Opportunities and barriers to patient engagement
Topic: health information technology, mHealth
Summary: International mHealth development has focused primarily on engaging rural populations through cellular phones. Mobile devices provide the ability to share information quickly and without the need for additional robust infrastructure.

Martin, T. (2013). Digital health: Are we patients or consumers?
Topic: health information technology, mHealth
Summary: Considering the shift to value based purchasing, this article examines the question of defining the scope of using the term "patient" or "consumer" in healthcare.

Martin, T. (2013). Energy and commerce hearing: Key takeaways and what wasn't discussed.
Topic: health information technology, mHealth
Summary: A review of recent discussions by the Energy and Commerce committee and discussions on what was not mentioned in testimony.

Meier, Steven R. (2008). Best project management and systems engineering practices in the preacquisition phase for federal intelligence and defense agencies
Topics: project management, leadership, technology, organizational change
Summary: An analysis of several government defense and intelligence agency large-scale acquisition programs that experienced significant cost and schedule growth shows that several factors need to be addressed in the preacquisition phase. This article explores best practices.

Meier, Steven R. (2010). Causal inferences on the cost overruns and schedule delays of large-scale U.S. federal defense and intelligence acquisition programs
Topics: project management, leadership, technology, organizational change
Summary: A study was undertaken to understand why cost overruns and schedule delays have occurred and continue to occur on large-scale U.S. Department of Defense and intelligence community programs.

Meier, Steven R. (2013). Leading complex projects in the DoD.
Topics: project management, leadership, technology, organizational change
Summary: This article outlines the seven leadership practices that contribute to the success of ground, air, and space projects. The purpose is to provide additional knowledge to project management and leadership practices, confirm the result of other publications and studies on complex Department of Defense (DoD) projects, and discuss the causes of unsuccessful complex DoD projects.

Molina, P. (2012). Game changers: Education and information.
Topics: information management, online education
Summary: A collection of chapters and case studies contributed by college and university presidents, provosts, faculty, and other stakeholders. Institutions are finding new ways of achieving higher education’s mission without being crippled by constraints or overpowered by greater expectations.

Real Estate, Urban Planning and Development and Redevelopment

Dunphy, R., Myers, M., McKay, S., & Witenstein, N. (2004). Transit-oriented development in the United States: Experiences, challenges, and prospects.
Topics: real estate, development, transit
Summary: Transit-oriented development (TOD) has attracted interest as a tool for promoting smart growth, leveraging economic development, and catering to shifting market demands and lifestyle preferences. This study, based on a combination of stakeholder survey responses, interviews, and in-depth case studies, paints a national portrait of contemporary TOD practice in the United States.

Flank, S. (2018). Unbundling reliability: Lessons from the telecom industry
Topics: urban planning, energy, telecom
Summary: Electric utility customers are seeking increased reliability and resilience. Evolving distributed energy and grid modernization technologies can provide customers with new self-supply options, but regulatory issues are holding back their full deployment. This article examines microgrid projects to identify causes of regulatory resistance. Then, it examines how telecom utilities, faced with similar challenges, responded by offering customers new, regulator-approved premium reliability services.

Sports Management and Sports Marketing

Goldwater, R. (2013). The sports event management and marketing playbook (2nd ed.) [Book chapter].
Topics: sports management, sports marketing
Summary: The Sports Event Management and Marketing Playbook is a textbook crafted to help develop a new generation of sports event professionals and to assist amateur organizers in staging better showcases at their venues and for their communities by incorporating the best practices of today’s ever-evolving sports event business. The Playbook provides in-depth focus on the essential philosophies, strategic priorities and planning processes that ensure the successful presentation of sports events.

Lynn, J. (2011). Reinventing sports media. [Conference presentation].
Topics: sports management, sports media.
Summary: At the Washington-area TEDxPennQuarter Conference, Lynn presented on reinventing sports media.

Emergency and Disaster Management

Browne, K., Olson, L. (2019). Building Cultures of Preparedness: Report for the Emergency Management Higher Education Community.
Topics: emergency management, higher education.
Summary: This report highlights the vast diversity of American communities and households, indicating that a one-size-fits-all strategy is not well-suited to the specific demands of variable and distinctive environments – our Culture of Preparedness will have to be built one community at a time. Preparedness is a local matter, requiring solutions tailored to different cultural contexts and embraced by communities. Supporting the vision of a resilient nation in the Strategic Plan requires us to think in the plural, in terms of building “Culture(s) of Preparedness.”

Frazier, T. (2016). Pedestrian flow-path modeling to support tsunami evacuation and disaster relief planning in the U.S. Pacific Northwest [Journal Article].
Topics: emergency management.
Summary: This study uses the coastal communities of Hoquiam, Aberdeen, and Cosmopolis (Washington, USA) and local tsunami threats to explore the use of geospatial, least-cost-distance evacuation modeling. Evacuation-modeling methods and results discussed here have implications and application to tsunami evacuation outreach, training, response procedures, mitigation, and long-term land use planning to increase community resilience.

Johnson, S. (2014). Modelling terrorism risk exposure: The frequency conundrum [Conference presentation].
Topics: terrorism, emergency management.
Summary: Modelling risk exposure for terrorism insurance products is an extremely challenging area subject to regulation and potential for significant loss. This presentation advocates a way in which quantitative modelling forms the initial scoping of risk and exposure, using historic incident data, impact modelling and constructed target lists for the region studied.

English Language Teaching and Learning

Lukacs, K., Steeley, L. (2018). Voices From Around the IEP Table: Perspectives on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families.
Topics: language education
Summary: This book explores the individual perspectives of IEP meeting participants who work with students who are culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD).