Amy Warner

Amy Warner joined The Hershey Company in 2019 and currently serves as a Project Portfolio Manager for large-scale transformation initiatives.

Amy Warner

Prior to joining Hershey, she provided strategic and operational oversight for Harley-Davidson Motor Companys Factory Tour and Company Store locations for 17 years. Amys expertise extends to diverse project areas, including experiential development, retail stores, exhibits, new product development and strategic and staffing initiatives. Amy holds a Master of Project Management degree from Penn State University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech Communication from Shippensburg University. To enhance her skills she has completed certificates in Innovation Strategy and Change Management from Cornell University. Being a certified Project Management Professional by the Project Management Institute, Amy has proven her mastery in project management methodologies and practices. She has been actively sharing her knowledge as an instructor and subject matter expert since 2017 for Georgetown University. With Amys extensive experience, advanced education, and passion for project management, she consistently brings a wealth of expertise to her courses at Georgetown.