Brady Forrest

Brady James Forrest is an Adjunct Lecturer in the Women’s and Gender Studies program at Georgetown University affiliated with the Disability Studies Program.

In 2024, they received their PhD from the Department of English at George Washington University. There they also received their Master’s degrees in American Studies and English. Forrest is currently at work on their first book manuscript titled An Attunement to Quiet: Crip Feelings, Queer Intimacy, and the Trans Gaze. The project argues that an attention to minor forms of feelings, intimacy, and ways of seeing offer alternative sociopolitical possibilities that center embodiment, affect, and relation over enlightenment notions of the individual, Reason, and the human.

Forrest has presented work at the American Studies Association Annual Meeting, the Mezipatra Queer Film Festival, the Museum of Popular Culture Conference, the DC Queer Studies Symposium, the Northeast MLA Annual Convention, and the Critical Ethnic Studies Association Conference. In 2017, they were selected to present their paper titled “Crip Feelings/Feeling Crip” in the Disability and Emotion Seminar Series hosted by the Center for Culture and Disability Studies at Liverpool Hope University. A revised version of the presentation is now available in a special issue of the Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies. Forrest has also served as a Grant Reviewer for the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities’ Fellowship Program for the 2023 fiscal year and is currently a reviewer for Disability Studies Quarterly.