Robert Donahue

Mr. Donahue is the Co-Curriculum Developer (CD) for Experiences in Biotechnology.

Photo of Robert Donahue

He received a Masters degree from the University of Texas, Austin and has over 30 years’ experience in Biotechnology in both academic and industrial laboratories. Mr. Donahue is an inventor on several patents for Biotech products and processes in the area of bacterial gene transfer. He has experience in the conception, development and commercialization of Biotechnology products generating several million dollars in revenue. Mr. Donahue has experience in protein purification, enzyme assay development, process development and scale up in a commercial environment. Mr. Donahue has experience in training and supervision of non-scientists in the preparation of reagents and the production of biomolecules. Mr. Donahue has utilized his background in Biotechnology to teach and mentor students in the Masters in Biotechnology Program at Georgetown University for more than 5 years. With his knowledge of how a Biotechnology company operates on a daily basis Mr. Donahue is a valuable member of the Biotechnology Program Staff.