Bradley Dean

Bradley leads the new DHS Science & Technology Earth Systems Science Technology Center.

Photo of Bradley Dean

The Center focuses on how Earth systems are interacting with humans and technologies to identify emerging risks and solutions for public safety and security. He was recently detailed as the Director for Flood & Resilience Policy at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Prior to joining DHS S&T, he spent over 4 years with FEMA where he led the Resilient Nation Partnership Network, launched the Agency’s nature-based solutions efforts, managed the National Academies applied resilience research initiative, led the COVID-19 Supply Chain Task Force Situational Awareness Section, and more. Bradley is adjunct faculty with Georgetown University’s Emergency and Disaster Management Program and is a Senior Fellow with Tulane University’s Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy. He serves on the National Academies Transportation Research Board Standing Committee on Extreme Weather & Climate Change Adaptation and is an author for the first ever National Security Chapter for the 6th National Climate Assessment.