Monica Lopez

    Dr. Monica Lopez is a serial entrepreneur and the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cognitive Insights for Artificial Intelligence.

Photo of Monica Lopez

Known for her human-centered approach to tech and business, Dr. Lopez is an expert in the science, ethics, and governance of AI and is on the front line of the AI-enabled Autonomous Systems, Healthcare/Biotechnology, and Cybersecurity industries ensuring AI is responsibility built. As a thought leader, Dr. Lopez has presented and published her work both nationally and internationally. She is also faculty at Johns Hopkins University where she teaches interdisciplinary courses sit at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Neuroscience, Design, Ethics, Entrepreneurship, and Public Policy.   Dr. Lopez holds BAs in Psychology and French from the Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, a MA and PhD in Cognitive Science also from the Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, and a Graduate Certificate in International Studies from the Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, all from Johns Hopkins University. She most recently earned a Certificate in AI Policy from the Center for AI and Digital Policy, Washington, D.C. and a Certificate from the Venture Capital University Independent Director Initiative, University of California Berkeley, School of Law.