Jean C. Stanford

Jean Stanford has been involved in the health care domain and has been in software development in both the public and private sectors.

Photo of Jean C. Stanford

As a senior project leader, she has lead very large scale software engineering activities, such as managing detailed requirements analysis from hundreds of stakeholders for new electronic health records systems, ERP systems, NIH grants management systems, FDA pre-market approvals, etc. This work was performed for both public and private sector clients when she worked for several very large consulting companies.

Jean has published a number of papers, either on her own or as part of a larger team. Some were in peer-reviewed journals, some were published on government web sites (NIH) and some were published as corporate monographs. One of the papers (Rosenthal, A., Mork, P., Li, M. H., Stanford, J., Koester, D., & Reynolds, P. (2010). Cloud computing: a new business paradigm for biomedical information sharing. Journal of biomedical informatics, 43(2), 342-353.) has been cited 437 times as of 2020. She has also contributed chapters to several published books on topics ranging from cybersecurity to use cases to medical management.

She owns her own health care sensor signal processing business that designs algorithms for processing cardiac data from ECG and PPG sensors. It also handles machine learning projects for interpretation of IoT sensor data.

She is currently a lecturer at Georgetown University's Technology Management Program and holds a M.T.M. from Georgetown in that field. She has taught classes on Threats & Vulnerabilities, Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructure and Cyber Security in HealthCare. She has written book chapters and given several conference presentations in the cyber and health informatics fields. She has also taught Systems Requirements (MPTM 700) numerous times, taught Capstone (MPTM 900) several times and mentors students who are working on special projects. She has also taught several other health care informatics and cyber security courses.