Executive Certificate in Leadership Coaching
Monica Thakrar

06 Jan 12-1pm ET
Knowledge@Noon Facilitation Design: Tools for Engaging Effective Meetings  
08 Jan 6-7:30pm ET
Marketing Strategy: From Drafting to Implementation Session  
10 Feb 12-1pm ET
Executive Certificate in Leadership Coaching "Ask Us Anything" Virtual Panel  
« Faculty
Monica Thakrar
Monica is an organizational consultant, coach, and trainer.   Ms. Thakrar is an organizational consultant and coach with over 20 years of experience focused on strategy, organizational change management, leadership development, training, executive coaching, and mindfulness. Monica brings to all of her work a deep understanding of leadership and organizational development based on years of working with organizations, leaders, and managers on leading change, creating high-functioning teams, enhancing leadership capacities, and working across organizational silos. She has worked with individuals and organizations to enhance their effectiveness, realize greater efficiency, and develop increased capacities in leading people, change, and organizations. Monica has worked with clients in the private sector (Hanley Wood, IBM, Marriott, MedStar, Nike, KPMG), the public sector (US Agency of International Development, US Department of Agriculture (ARS, NIFA, and NRCS), US Department of Health and Human Services (NIH, SAMHSA, ASFR, and ACL), NASA, the National Science Foundation, and the US Postal Service), and Academia (Columbia University and Georgetown University). She is a graduate of Georgetown Universitys School of Foreign Service, Columbia Universitys School of International and Public Affairs, and of Newfield Networks Organizational Coaching Program.