Executive Certificate in Leadership Coaching
Aman Gohal

04 Oct 12-1:30pm ET
Google Election Fact Checking Training  
09 Oct 11:30am-1pm ET
SCS Open House Lunch  
« Faculty
Aman Gohal
Cohort Co-Director/Faculty Executive Coaching Program   A trusted advisor to disrupt paradigms of development, Dr. Aman Gohal specializes in inquiry-based methods that reveal the shadow side (hidden competing agendas) of individuals and organizations that block freedom to greater choice, connection, authenticity, and results. Passionate about the intersection of diversity, social justice and leadership development she has led women’s leadership initiatives and worked with NGOs to accelerate inclusive leadership. She has worked both as an internal and external leadership development practitioner, designing curriculum, leadership simulations, coaching and training programs for thousands of leaders across the Federal Government, Private and Non-Profit clients. She currently runs Executive Development programs for a Tech company in Silicon Valley.