Master Practitioner in Leadership
Peter Kralovec

06 Mar 6-8pm ET
Artificial Intelligence Across Industries  
« Faculty
Peter Kralovec

Jamie Kralovec serves on the faculty of the Urban & Regional Planning program and is Director for Mission and Ministry at the Capitol Campus of Georgetown University. Formed in the Jesuit tradition of education, Kralovec is dedicated to community-engaged learning in service of equity, justice, and the common good.

He is responsible for animating, integrating, and deepening faculty, staff, and student engagement with the Jesuit values that drive the mission of Georgetown University. He previously served as program director for Georgetown’s Urban & Regional Planning program, where he played a central role in establishing the growing program. Prior to Georgetown, he served on the White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2), an inter-agency initiative created by President Obama in 2012 to spark economic rebound in distressed urban communities across the country. At SC2, Kralovec managed the deployment of technical assistance, collection of community-based data, program communications, and promotion of national best practices. As a legislative assistant at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Kralovec conducted research and prepared DOJ witnesses for congressional hearings.

Kralovec has contributed to national conversations about community engagement, Jesuit values, and pedagogy for professional students. He has authored numerous articles and served as co-editor for Evidence Matters, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s quarterly research publication covering policy innovation in housing and community development. He was distinguished with the Robert Berne Award for Leadership at New York University where he served as research manager at the Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, as well as the Dean's Service Award at Georgetown's School of Continuing Studies for efforts to incorporate Jesuit values into the pedagogy of the school. At Georgetown, he serves as a Staff Fellow at the Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service and on the leadership group of the Salt and Light program of the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life.

He holds a Master's of Urban Planning from New York University, a Master of Arts from Fordham University, a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Notre Dame, and is completing a Doctor of Ministry from Fordham University, working on a doctoral thesis: "Ignatian Urbanism and the Mission-Clarifying Spiritual Exercises of Urban Planning." He received training as a spiritual director through the Ignatian Training Program at Holy Trinity Catholic Church.