Faculty Handbooks
Georgetown University Faculty Handbook
The Georgetown University Faculty Handbook offers an overview of the policies and procedures pertaining to faculty members of the University. Here you'll find detailed information on faculty rights and responsibilities, the University Mission Statement, University governance, campus policies, and faculty benefits.
Code of Ethical Conduct
The University-wide Code of Ethical Conduct articulates the overarching legal and ethical principles that have long governed the University community. Focuses include People and Community; Honesty and Integrity; Protection and Care; and Duty and Responsibility.
RESPECT Training
The RESPECT Training program provides valuable information about what is discrimination, harrassment, and sexual misconduct and your roles, rights, and responsibilities as members of the University community.
SCS Faculty Teaching Guide
Whether you are new to teaching at Georgetown and SCS or a seasoned faculty member, the SCS Faculty Teaching Guide will serve as a helpful reference when building syllabi, evaluating student progress, and handling academic policies (such as grade appeals and suspected acts of cheating or plagiarism).
SCS Course Policies Addendum
The SCS Course Policies Addendum ensures you have the most up-to-date and accurate information for your students, including details on citations, the Honor Council, and instructional continuity. Please distribute the Addendum with your syllabus, and post it to your Canvas course website.
SCS Student Handbooks and Academic Calendar
Students may come to you with academic policy questions or questions about add/drop/withdrawal and tuition deadlines. You can refer them to the SCS Student Handbooks page and the Academic Calendar to ensure they receive the most accurate, up-to-date information.
CNDLS Teaching Handbook
The Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship defines student-centered teaching and how to enact it within your curriculum.