Master's in Urban & Regional Planning
Student Profile

08 Apr 11:30am-1pm ET
SCS Open House Lunch  

As a student in the Urban & Regional Planning program, you’ll join a community of mission-driven graduate students from across the Mid-Atlantic region, throughout the United States, and from around the world.

Our students represent a wide range of academic backgrounds, including urban studies, real estate, architecture, engineering, geography, economics, art history and other liberal arts. The diversity of our student body contributes to an enriching and engaging classroom experience, in which you’ll have the opportunity to learn with—and from—your peers.

Industries & Sectors Business Improvement Districts Environmental Advocacy Organizations Community-Based Nonprofits Economic Development Federal Government Housing Developers Local & Municipal Government Private Consulting Research Institutions State Governments Job Titles Assistant Regional Planner Community Planner Director of Portfolio Program Manager Regional Planner Senior Associate Senior Policy Analyst Transportation Planner Urban Planning Consultant Geographic Location Texas Virginia Washington, D.C. Georgia Maryland Massachusetts Michigan

You’ll study alongside highly-motivated classmates who share a passion for cities and for solving urban problems. The program supports student organizations that promote vibrant extra-curricular activities to form deep personal and professional relationships between students and program alumni. This network of students and alumni represents a powerful framework for professional development and career advancement.