Master's in Urban & Regional Planning

08 Apr 11:30am-1pm ET
SCS Open House Lunch  

To earn the Master's in Urban & Regional Planning, you must successfully complete 14 courses (42 credits total), including:

  • 2 core courses (6 credits total):
    • Ethics in Planning Practice
    • Capstone
  • 5 foundation courses (15 credits total):
    • Research Methods
    • Urban Economics
    • Urban Sustainability
    • Legal Foundations
    • Urban Planning History and Theory
  • 4 concentration courses (12 credits total):
    • See concentration list below
  • 3 elective courses (9 credits total):

Software Requirement

Our program integrates geo-spatial analysis into all facets of the curriculum. Students are required to own a laptop or desktop computer that can run ESRI Geographic Information System (ARC-GIS) software. The software is provided free of charge to students for the duration of their time in the program.


The Urban & Regional Planning program offers three concentrations that enable you to tailor your studies and sharpen your expertise in a particular area of study:

  • Urban Design & Land Use: Explore the design and regulation of the physical built environment.
  • Housing, Community, & Economic Development: Understand how to manage the socioeconomic performance of communities.
  • International Development: Examine rapid urbanization in jurisdictions outside of the U.S. legal system.

Program Format

The program is offered in the on-campus format. Classes are held at the same times every week at our state-of-the-art downtown D.C. campus

You’ll have the flexibility to earn your degree at a pace that suits your schedule:

  • Full-time students typically take 9 credits (3 courses) during the fall and spring semesters. 
  • Part-time students typically take 3 to 6 credits (1 to 2 courses) during the fall and spring semesters.
  • Although students are not required to take credits during the summer semester, they have the option of registering for one or more courses in order to continue their degree progress year-round.

ACSP Member

ACSP Proud MemberThe Master's in Urban & Regional Planning program is a proud member of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP). ACSP is the premier international network of academic programs dedicated to the study of urban planning. Membership in ASCP extends numerous professional development benefits to Georgetown students including access to the career center, workshops, and annual conference.

Professional Certifications

The Master's in Urban & Regional Planning program has been developed on the basis of the curricular standards established by the Planning Accreditation Board (PAB). All students who graduate from the program are eligible to take the professional exam sponsored by the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) in order to become certified urban planning professionals.


All programs offered by Georgetown University are accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.