Master's in Emergency & Disaster Management
On-Campus Course Schedule for Summer 2024

02 Aug 12-1pm ET
Emergency & Disaster Management— Virtual Sample Class  
19 Sep 12-1pm ET
Master's in Emergency & Disaster Management Webinar  
24 Oct 12-1pm ET
Master's in Emergency & Disaster Management Webinar  


This course is for emergency and disaster management students interested in learning the many facets of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for emergency management. The unfortunate reality is that emergencies and disasters will continue to proliferate in size, scope, and intensity. More people in diverse geographical contexts will be affected by future emergencies. Given that emergencies are fundamentally spatial in nature, GIS plays a critical role in emergency management. In this course you will learn the conceptual, technological, analytical and representational capacities of GIS as as they apply to the policy and practice of emergency management. Note that this course is not a comprehensive GIS software training course. Rather, the course has been designed to give you ideas and examples that will show you what GIS is capable of doing for emergency management. You will learn basic geographic data and software skills in order to begin using GIS for emergency management applications. This course will prepare you for further in depth course work on GIS as a standalone subject and/or the application of GIS to your specific emergency management interests.

  • Course #: MPDM-5630-40
  • CRN: 20121
  • Instructor: Sanders, M.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Tue 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Global Health & Crisis Manage

This course examines current issues and challenges of global health, with a focus on analyzing and responding to global health challenges and international policies. Analysis of national and transnational health trends, including communicable and non-communicable disease burdens. The course introduces essential concepts, principles, and goals of global health and the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to addressing global health problems. It will then analyze the different social, political, and economic determinants of health disparities across the globe. Students will apply these concepts to current and emerging global health priorities such as climate change and how to effectively manage future pandemics and crises. Throughout the course, students will gain critical thinking experience in applying tools and frameworks towards addressing diverse global health needs.

  • Course #: MPDM-6800-40
  • CRN: 19904
  • Instructor: Barbiere, M.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Tue 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Natural Hazards & Disasters

This course explores natural hazards and the multidimensional aspects surrounding these events that result in disaster. Students will gain an understanding of the underlying physical processes behind hazards, the socioeconomic characteristics that manufacture risk and result in disproportionate impacts on communities, and potential mitigation, response, and recovery strategies. Coincident with case studies and readings on the underlying processes of hazards, the course will explore the topic of societal vulnerability and resilience. Students will learn through case studies, policy readings, and academic literature. Students will apply their knowledge by evaluating best practices and applying the theoretical frameworks covered throughout the course.

  • Course #: MPDM-6640-40
  • CRN: 19903
  • Instructor: Tim Frazier
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Wed 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Post Disaster Recovery

  • Course #: MPDM-6760-40
  • CRN: 19900
  • Instructor: Cuartas, J.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Wed 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Project Mgmt & Budgeting

Disaster management professionals must learn how to develop all-hazards preparedness plans addressing multiple types of emergencies and disasters (including natural disasters, terrorist attacks, public health emergencies, and technological disasters). This course equips students with the knowledge and tools they need to successfully execute project management techniques and thereby perform efficient planning and response activities. Students will practice competent risk assessment and risk communication processes with ethical project management strategies. This course also teaches students how emergency management programs fit into the strategic/fiscal plans and priorities of governments and organizations. Furthermore, students learn how to develop and manage a budget and how to create a realistic fiscal plan for high consequence/low probability events. By the end of the course, students will be able to advocate for the importance of prevention, mitigation, and financial preparedness in emergency and disaster management.

  • Course #: MPDM-5610-40
  • CRN: 19902
  • Instructor: Stern, J.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Thu 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM