Executive Certificate in Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Michael Ciszewski

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« Faculty
Michael Ciszewski
Michael is Managing Partner and founder of Campden Hill International, a consulting practice working with teams to help them develop habits of reflective learning as a core capability   I am a heterosexual, able-bodied White man aware that I tick all the ‘yes’ boxes on almost any privilege checklist. I grew up solidly middle class in the northeastern US, the eldest of four children, born at the tail end of the post-WWII Baby Boom. While I do not adhere to any formal religious practice today, my Catholic upbringing in a Polish family continues to exert influence on my worldview. I have three grown children who challenge me at every opportunity to be my best self. I am finding my voice as a White man seeking to contribute to conversations about equity and racial justice. I have worked across the US, UK, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. My primary work is with leaders and their teams, encouraging them to develop habits of reflective learning as a way to improve results and create operational and strategic breakthroughs. I am interested in exploring how a ‘complexity frame’ can equip us to engage better with the most persistent organizational challenges. Previously, I ran Organization Integration at Merrill Lynch and was head of Leadership and Organization Development in Europe for J.P. Morgan. I also had 10 years as an investment banker while at J.P. Morgan before shifting into this work I do now. I hold a certificate in Principles and Practices of OD from Teachers College, Columbia University, and received a Masters Degree in OD from American University / NTL Institute. I am on the faculty for NTL’s Organisation Development Certificate Programme in the UK and for the Executive Certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Georgetown University in the US. I serve on the Board of Directors of The Lewin Center for Social Change, Action, and Research. I am a member of the OD Network in the US and Europe and of NTL Institute for Applied Behavioural Science.