Online Master's in Emergency & Disaster Management
Timothy Manning

27 Mar 12-1pm ET
Master's in Emergency & Disaster Management Webinar  
08 Apr 11:30am-1pm ET
SCS Open House Lunch  
« Faculty
Timothy Manning

Tim Manning has worked on both the front lines and in the senior most levels of crisis and emergency management, homeland security, and resilience for more than thirty years, most recently as the White House COVID19 Supply Coordinator helping lead the US Government’s response to the pandemic. Tim is a former Deputy Administrator at the Federal Emergency Management Agency, state cabinet secretary and Governor’s disaster and homeland security advisor, firefighter-EMT, (serving in both urban and rural departments and the wildland interface), rescue mountaineer, and geologist. In addition to his faculty positions at Georgetown, he is also currently Senior Advisor for the Pacific Disaster Center, and President of Berglind-Manning l.c., an international resilience, security, and strategic policy consulting firm.

Tim was appointed by President Joseph Biden in January 2021 to oversee the US Government's efforts to coordinate and support to the global industrial base and resolve logistics and supply chain challenges for the response to the pandemic. While at the White House, Tim worked with state and local officials and major global manufacturers, NGOs, and partner governments around the world to further efforts to produce and distribute vaccine, therapeutics, medical devices, testing and diagnostics, and PPE as well as other critical supply chain challenges. And he led the effort, in the space of two weeks, to create, a multibillion-dollar operation of multiple US Government agencies offering home test delivery with next or second day fulfillment. Tim previously served the entirety of the Obama administration as the Deputy Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency for Protection and National Preparedness, after being confirmed by the U.S. Senate in the spring of 2009.

Over his three decade career, Tim helped coordinate the response to countless emergencies and disasters throughout the United States, and worked with partners around the globe representing the United States as head of delegation in over 30 bilateral and multilateral engagements, including eight annual ministerial APEC forums, NATO Senior Committee plenaries, and the UN World Disaster Forum in Sendai, Japan, and has also previously served on the faculty of the Center for Homeland Defense and Security at the Naval Postgraduate School and as a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. Prior to joining federal service, Tim served as the Cabinet Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and Homeland Security Advisor to Governor Bill Richardson, having originally joined the New Mexico State government civil service following a decade as a consulting geologist. Prior to his Cabinet roles, he served in a number of other positions including Chief of the Emergency Operations Bureau and Deputy Secretary of Public Safety for Emergency Services. He has served on the boards of a wide range of groups across the homeland security and emergency management spectrum.

Tim is a recipient of the National Emergency Management Association’s Lacy E. Suiter Distinguished Service Award, the Georgetown University Tropia award, and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. He has earned a Master of Letters with distinction in Terrorism and Political Violence from the University of St. Andrews, a Bachelor of Science in Geology from Eastern Illinois University, and is a graduate of the Center for Homeland Defense and Security Executive Leaders Program at the Naval Postgraduate School.