Online Master's in Emergency & Disaster Management
Student Profile

06 Mar 6-8pm ET
Artificial Intelligence Across Industries  
27 Mar 12-1pm ET
Master's in Emergency & Disaster Management Webinar  

As a student in our program, you will become a member of a professional and academic community that has a passion for improving the safety of communities across the nation and the globe.

Our students come from diverse but complementary backgrounds including medicine, human and social services, nonprofits, military, humanitarian aid, first response, and all levels of government. Some of your classmates will have years of emergency or disaster management experience, while others will be looking to break into this line of work for the first time. Both types of students contribute invaluable perspectives to this inherently interdisciplinary field of study.

Job Titles Continuity Planner Deputy Chief Emergency Management Specialist Emergency Medical Technician Emergency Transfer Coordinator Specialist Program Coordinator Regional Administrator Researcher Senior Consultant Systems Analyst Industries & Sectors Federal Government Nonprofit Education State Government U.S. Military Geographic Location Tennessee Texas Virginia Washington, D.C. Wisconsin Maryland New Jersey New York North Carolina Pennsylvania California Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois

Whether you choose to take courses online or on campus, you will learn with—and from—like-minded individuals who share your commitment to public service.