Master's in Supply Chain Management
Course Details

27 Mar 12-1pm ET
Master's in Supply Chain Management Webinar  
08 Apr 11:30am-1pm ET
SCS Open House Lunch  

Core Courses

Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chain (3 credits; required) 

This course introduces students to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in supply chain and covers practical, real world topics such as: sustainable sourcing, measuring and reporting environmental impacts, ethical sourcing, safety and quality assurance, diverse suppliers, human rights in the supply chain, climate modeling and stress testing, and supplier codes of conduct. The course will cover global views on CSR and ethical considerations encountered in supply chain management.

Capstone (3 credits; required)

This course allows students to use the tools, techniques, and knowledge they have learned throughout the program to solve a business problem or improve a process within their organization or as a consulting project for a real-world client. Students will work closely with their faculty advisor to determine an appropriate topic and scope for their capstone project.

Foundation Courses

Introduction to Operations & Supply Chain Management (3 credits; required)

This course introduces students to operations and supply chain management and orients them to the curricular areas of emphasis: Planning, Procurement Management, and Logistics & Fulfillment Management. Students will be introduced to a variety of tools, techniques, concepts, and theories. Topics will include demand planning, process design and improvement, quality evaluation, procurement, capacity analysis, logistics management and inventory management. This course will employ simulations, guest speakers, and case studies to immerse students in the world of supply chain management and help them understand essential terminology and current challenges.

Supply Chain Cost & Financial Analysis (3 credits; required)

This course challenges students to consider the linkages between supply chain management and corporate finance. Students learn to anticipate how supply chain decisions affect various stakeholders, both inside and outside the company, including how supply chain decisions create value for shareholders. Topics include accounting fundamentals, cost allocations, standard costing, activity-based costing, transfer pricing, working capital management, KPIs and dashboards, Total Cost of Ownership, and cash flow projections. This course also covers the fundamentals of supply chain finance, including topics such as payables discounting, reverse factoring, lease versus buy, and trade credits. Finally, the course introduces students to a variety of global supply chain and global trade topics, including duty and quotas, taxes, hedging, currency issues, and the mechanics of global joint ventures. 

Supply Chain Design (1.5 credits; required)

This course teaches students how to drive better business performance by structuring the supply chain in ways that enhance profitability, align with the strategic goals of the organization, and ultimately create shareholder value. Students are introduced to the theory and practice of mapping supply chain processes, logistics management, strategic partnership development, risk management, single versus dual-sourcing, organizational integration, and outsourcing versus insourcing in the context of how to build an effective supply chain. Students work through case study examples and simulations to identify how organizations must balance all the factors that drive Total Cost of Ownership and profitability.

Project Management (1.5 credits; required)

This course provides an overview of the project management lifecycle and associated processes. Students gain a solid grounding in fundamental project management concepts and learn how to develop a project charter, components of a project management plan, and a work breakdown structure (WBS). Students also learn how to assess risks, develop contingency plans, and create a change management plan. 

Areas of Emphasis


Supply Chain Analytics & Technologies (3 credits; required)

This course teaches students the primary quantitative and qualitative methods in supply chain analysis. It also covers the current and emerging tools and technologies used in supply chains to build responsiveness and resilience. Topics include forecasting, ERPs and supply chain systems, data integration with partners, forecasting pitfalls, market testing, and building a supply chain technology roadmap.

Data Management & Visualization (3 credits; elective)

This course introduces data management structures and platforms, data governance and collaborative data management practices, global product classification standards, information hierarchies and attributes, data analysis, procure to pay and information technology fundamentals for supply chain management. Topics covered include data modeling, relational databases, data extraction, data queries, and reporting. 

Procurement Management

Strategic Sourcing & Contracting (3 credits; required)

This course teaches students how to develop and execute a Strategic Sourcing Plan. Students will learn about methods, techniques and technology for strategic sourcing RFX events, contracting fundamentals and approaches, and supplier relationship management.

Securing The Digital Supply Chain (3 credits; elective)

This course examines how organizations are increasing security of their supply chains for critical products, materials, and systems. Students will focus on digital threats and vulnerabilities. The course explores case examples and industry and government best practices related to mitigation tools, strategies, and protective measures of Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) programs.

Negotiations (1.5 credits; elective)

Effective negotiation is a key skill in supply chain management, impacting decisions such as order quantity, quality, service levels, total cost of ownership, and on-time delivery. Students will learn techniques and methods to prepare for negotiations and develop relationship management skills that improve their negotiation outcomes. Concepts such as developing a plan for negotiations, defining roles, developing high gain and high value questions, and demonstrating empathy and listening skills will be covered. Students will have the opportunity to practice via simulations and role play exercises. 

Logistics & Fulfillment Management

Distribution Strategy & Logistics Management (3 credits; required)

This course introduces the various options for logistics management (1PL, 2PL, 3PL, etc.) and outlines the pros (including access to a global warehouse network, ability to focus company resources on core competencies, and shipping and risk mitigation) and cons (including cost and loss of control) of various distribution strategies. Students learn about methodologies for optimization, managing logistics, transportation regulations that impact logistics, types of logistics software, and methods to select distribution partners and network configuration. 

Business Communications (3 credits; elective)

Successful communication skills have become a critical management tool to thrive and survive in today's increasingly complex and fast-moving business climate. This hands-on, practical course teaches students to analyze, develop, and effectively communicate via all forms of business writing, presenting, visual storytelling, leadership, client management, and negotiating. This course covers the challenges of communicating across global organizations as well as the role that listening and emotional intelligence play in creating effective communication strategies.

Global Supply Chain Management (3 credits; elective)

This course introduces students to the rules governing international trade and to global trade considerations. Topics include International Commercial Terms or Incoterms, frameworks for international expansion, regulatory and country reporting requirements, analysis of offshoring and outsourcing, and the evaluation of trade barriers and risks.

  • Export and import guidelines
  • Maritime shipping
  • Resources & in-country partners

Other Elective Courses

Leading Cross-Cultural Teams (1.5 credits; elective)

This course focuses on practical as well as theoretical tools, methodologies, and approaches that students will use throughout their supply chain career as they interact with clients, suppliers, business partners and colleagues across cultures and borders. Leadership, organizational management, team diversity, problem solving, cross-cultural awareness and communications topics will be covered in order to help students develop intercultural awareness and skills to foster sustainable relationships whether they are physically present or working remotely in virtual environments.

Humanitarian Logistics (3 credits; elective)

This course examines the supply chain challenges and strategies that are inherent in humanitarian relief efforts. Areas covered include both surge efforts (e.g., emergency and disaster response) as well as ongoing efforts (e.g., international relief and development projects). Students also examine the role and management of factors such as governments, NGOs, beneficiaries, infrastructure, donations, temporary structures, and country-specific conditions. The course demonstrates the importance of coordinating communications and efforts amongst stakeholders for maximum effectiveness.

Supply Chain Internship (3 credits; elective)

The Supply Chain Internship course provides students with an experience that links classroom learning with knowledge gained through an applied work setting. In addition to direct participation in a company, non-profit or governmental organization, students will complete career-focused assignments, a reflection, and a career development plan. Through these activities, students gain an understanding of the internship site’s mission, stakeholders, and culture as well as how to positively contribute to an organization’s supply chain activities. Students will obtain their own internships and gain approval prior to signing up for the course.