Master's in Supply Chain Management
Nickea Bradley

06 Mar 6-8pm ET
Artificial Intelligence Across Industries  
27 Mar 12-1pm ET
Master's in Supply Chain Management Webinar  
« Faculty
Nickea Bradley

Nickea Bradley is the Senior Director of Emergency Preparedness for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA). In her current role, she leads mitigation efforts to reduce the likelihood and severity of emergency incidents involving rail, bus, paratransit and the authority's administration. In prior roles, Ms. Bradley worked in numerous emergency response roles including George Floyd civil disturbance, Winter Storm Jonas, hurricanes (Laura, Joaquin, Jonas and Mathew), flash flooding (West Virginia), Avian Flu (Iowa), and major national events such as a presidential inauguration, Democratic National Convention, Nuclear Summit, and the 2019 World Series. Additionally, Ms. Bradley has presented both domestically and internationally at trainings, workshops and conferences.