Master's in Public Relations & Corporate Communications
On-Campus Course Schedule for Summer 2024

25 Sep 12-1pm ET
Master's in Public Relations & Corporate Communications Webinar  
21 Oct 12-1pm ET
Master's in Public Relations & Corporate Communications Webinar  

Data Reporting

This course is intended to introduce students to data journalism through hands-on work and a survey of techniques used in reporting. Students will learn how to acquire, evaluate and analyze data from a variety of sources, with an emphasis on using freely available tools. The goal is to develop a comfort level for working with different kinds of data and for different purposes, which include creating visualizations or maps to aid in the reporting process. This is a skills-based course, so students will need to be comfortable with learning to use computer software beyond word processors. Prior experience is not required or assumed, but a basic comfort level and willingness to experiment are vital.

Note: Students must successfully complete PR Ethics MPPR 500/5000 and PR Writing MPPR 508/5001 before taking this course.

  • Course #: MPPR-7002-40
  • CRN: 20118
  • Instructor: TBD
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:


Govt Relations & Lobbying

Government relations is a specialized branch of public relations that assists organizations in communicating with directorate publics. It includes learning how to influence the actions, policies, and decisions of individuals. By building a relationship between organizations and governmental bodies, progress is made toward lobbying efforts, advocacy initiatives, and regulatory issues that impact hearts, minds, and bottom lines. Through this course, students will train to become leaders in government communications and gain acumen in how to help organizations push their agendas forward. From learning laws and techniques for advocacy, to changing and/or maintaining policy, to using advanced-level persuasion techniques, to influencing actions or decisions of officials, this course will cover the necessary ground to prepare students for a successful career at a state, national, or global scale.

  • Course #: MPPR-6060-40
  • CRN: 19776
  • Instructor: Swink, S.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Tue 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


MPS PR/CC Internship I

This one-credit course is designed to give credit for students doing an internship with an organization that requires them to receive credit. The internships should be substantive and have the goal of providing relevant industry experience, portfolio items or other professional work for students to use when looking for jobs. This course is also meant as a way to help support students who are doing internships. Students are expected to check in every week with the instructor about their experience so that the instructor can give guidance for the internship and for working within a professional organization. Students must ask for permission to take this course.

Note: Subject to department approval - please contact the PRCC (MPPR) department via email.

  • Course #: MPPR-7951-40
  • CRN: 19777
  • Instructor: Blymire, C.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:


MPS PR/CC Internship II

Note: Subject to department approval - please contact the PRCC (MPPR) department via email.

  • Course #: MPPR-7952-40
  • CRN: 19780
  • Instructor: Garcia, G.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:


MPS PR/CC Internship III

This one-credit course is designed to give credit for students doing an internship with an organization that requires them to receive credit. The internships should be substantive and have the goal of providing relevant industry experience, portfolio items or other professional work for students to use when looking for jobs. This course is also meant as a way to help support students who are doing internships. Students are expected to check in every week with the instructor about their experience so that the instructor can give guidance for the internship and for working within a professional organization.

  • Course #: MPPR-7953-40
  • CRN: 19969
  • Instructor: Garcia, G.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:


Photo & Video Story Telling

This course is designed to give the student the ability to communicate in the Video Age--whether on television or the web. We call it storytelling to emphasize the communication of ideas, rather than simply the technical knowledge of shooting and editing video. Students will begin by learning how shots work together, how to write compelling scripts, and how to use audio for the best effect. Then students will work with professional camera equipment to develop shooting, lighting, and audio skills. The class will also have hands-on instruction in editing techniques using Final Cut Pro. By the end of the course, students should be comfortable in the video storytelling process--from the flash of an idea to the finished product on the screen, in the field, and in the studio.

  • Course #: MPPR-5008-40
  • CRN: 20060
  • Instructor: Whittington, J.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Wed 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Pitching and Public Speaking

The most important part of any successful communications career is the ability to present your business ideas clearly. Frankly, it doesn’t matter how smart or well prepared you are unless you’re able to communicate effectively with others. We know that presentations are not exclusively one person, standing alone at a podium. They are often impromptu, in groups, to various audiences and even in written form. Therefore, this course will explore all types of persuasive presentations and help you grow your skillset for many opportunities. Through lectures, class exercises, workshops and (of course) presentations of various lengths, this course will give you the tools to craft effective communications. The overall goal is for you to feel comfortable presenting yourself and your ideas with the right supporting materials.

  • Course #: MPPR-7600-40
  • CRN: 19779
  • Instructor: Long, M.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Tue 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


PR & Corp Comm Capstone

Capstone is the final academic opportunity to assess and apply your strategic communications skills and knowledge. The course focuses on the comprehensive skills you have built throughout your time in MPS PR/CC by evaluating your writing, strategic thinking, creativity, and ethical framework in a real-time context. During your final challenge, you will apply your strategic communications skills to an existing communications challenge identified by a company/organization of your choosing. Working individually, you will respond to a communication problem or opportunity for your client. At the close of the semester, you will be expected to write and present a well-researched, insightful, creative plan that illuminates how your strategic considerations will lead to positive outcomes for your client. Your plan will tell the story of the original research, implementation plan, timelines and budget necessary to meet the client’s communication goal. Although the primary focus for the semester is on creating a comprehensive plan, there will be in-class assignments to review and diagnose your mastery of specific concepts in strategic communications planning and responsible communication. The capstone experience is intended to ensure you have the strategic skills and confidence necessary to be a leader in responsible communication, and provide a unique networking and career-enhancing opportunity. In addition to the minimum, cumulative grade point average of 3.0 required for graduation from the MPS PR/CC program, you must receive a minimum grade of a B in the capstone course to graduate. Students with a 3.0 cumulative GPA, who receive a final grade of a B- or below may receive one opportunity to retake the course, if approved by the associate dean.

  • Course #: MPPR-7990-40
  • CRN: 19781
  • Instructor: Wilson, L.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Mon 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Public Media Campaigns

Governments and other institutions use persuasive campaigns to inform and influence behavior. In this course, students will learn about historic and current-day campaigns grounded in persuasion, misinformation, disinformation, diplomacy, psychological operations, and public affairs. From discerning AI and "fake news" to identifying trusted resources and the fracturing of media, this course will prepare you to level up your understanding of the power of persuasion and provide value for your employer and the public relations field as it adapts to and drives change.

Note: Students must successfully complete PR Ethics MPPR 500/5000 before registering for this course.

  • Course #: MPPR-7285-40
  • CRN: 20068
  • Instructor: Dziemian, N.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Wed 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM