Online Master's in Human Resources Management
Online Course Schedule for Spring 2025

26 Mar 12-1pm ET
Master's in Human Resources Management Webinar  
08 Apr 11:30am-1pm ET
SCS Open House Lunch  

AI Applications and Strategies

This course will discuss the day-to-day applications of AI in a variety of industries such as government, manufacturing and agriculture, education, healthcare, and finance. The course will use a mix of common industry use cases to showcase how embedded AI is in every type of industry, and how to best use the resources available. The course will also highlight popular AI applications for common business functions. Students will discuss the role of AI in specific contexts of functional areas such as sales, marketing, customer service, supply chain, legal, and human resources. They will identify opportunities for AI adoption within their organization and develop strategies and business plans for implementation and deployment.

  • Course #: MPHR-6810-201
  • CRN: 47455
  • Instructor: TBD
  • Dates: Feb 28 – Apr 29, 2025


AI Fundamentals for Managers

The course provides a non-technical introduction to Artificial Intelligence, the techniques used to power modern AI systems, and the functional differences between levels of machine intelligence. It aims to demystify Artificial Intelligence for the business professional, offering a foundational understanding of the advantages, limitations, and scope of AI from a management perspective. Students will define and discuss AI-related concepts and techniques, including machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. They will examine how humans and machines learn and how that is related to the current and future state of AI. Finally, students will gain insights into the data characteristics and considerations necessary for AI success.

  • Course #: MPHR-6800-201
  • CRN: 48281
  • Instructor: Alliata, Z.
  • Dates: Feb 28 – Apr 29, 2025


Employment Relations & Law

Employment-related litigation, settlements and fines are on the rise in the U.S., causing considerable financial and reputational damage to organizations. HR professionals can help to minimize employment risks and reduce costs by ensuring that HR practices and policies align and comply with laws and regulations. Beyond employment law, HR professionals are expected to develop employee relations strategies and programs that foster positive employee-manager and unions-management relations. This course provides an overview of U.S. laws that govern the employer-employee relationship — including laws that prohibit discrimination, and labor laws that protect employees’ rights and set forth employers’ obligations and responsibilities. You will also explore employee relations strategies and best practices for driving employee engagement and managing workplace conflicts. Through real-world cases and problem-based learning, you will gain the practical skills and knowledge required to advise managers on dealing with legal and contemporary issues throughout the HR lifecycle, from hiring and promotion, to compensation and benefits, discipline and termination.

Note: This course is completed asynchronously online.

  • Course #: MPHR-7500-101
  • CRN: 40530
  • Instructor: Rizzo, M.
  • Dates: Jan 08 – May 10, 2025


Ethical Ldrshp&Decision; Making

The demand for ethical leadership is at an all-time high in today’s dynamic and challenging environment. Leaders face immense pressure to deliver results while navigating moral dilemmas with far-reaching consequences. Ethical intelligence is no longer a luxury; it is a necessity. This interdisciplinary course equips professionals with tools to navigate the ethical challenges of leadership across a range of fields — from higher education to human resources and beyond. You will explore ethical theories, frameworks, and models and how to align individual and organizational values to foster ethical decision making. Applying theory to practice, this course embraces Ignatian pedagogy and is rooted in social justice and engaged reflection. Through experiential exercises, real-world case studies, and scenario analyses, you will gain the knowledge and skills required to make ethical decisions, lead with integrity, and embed a culture of ethics and accountability within your organization.

Note: This course is completed asynchronously online.

  • Course #: MPHR-5000-101
  • CRN: 40534
  • Instructor: Meredith, J.
  • Dates: Jan 08 – May 10, 2025


Fundamentals of HRM

People management really matters. In the twenty-first century talent economy, the evidence consistently and overwhelmingly shows that effective HR practices promote employee well-being and drive organizational performance. Forward-thinking organizations and managers must therefore put people at the center of strategy execution, and manage them carefully and purposefully in every stage of the HR life cycle — from recruitment, to onboarding, talent development, retention and off-boarding. Blending theory and practice, this course examines the latest trends and best practices in the key functional areas of HR: talent acquisition and management, learning and development, total rewards management, and employment relations and the law. You will explore the roles and responsibilities of HR professionals and line managers in implementing HR policies and practices that align with business outcomes and meet employees’ changing needs. Through real-world case studies, application exercises and group projects, you will acquire the foundational HR knowledge and skills for building competitive advantage through people.

Note: This course is completed asynchronously online.

  • Course #: MPHR-5100-101
  • CRN: 34292
  • Instructor: Dalton, F.
  • Dates: Jan 08 – May 10, 2025


HRM Capstone

The HRM Capstone is the culminating experience of the Georgetown Master’s in HRM program. It represents a crowning achievement as a capstone does in architecture, and provides students with an opportunity to apply the HR knowledge, skills and competencies gained from all their coursework to complex real-world organizational challenges. Through the culminating experience, students complete unique and original projects that make a creative contribution that advances an organization or the HR profession. This contribution may take the form of a consulting engagement with a partner organization or an applied research project. Depending on the nature of your project, you may work individually or on a small team — under the guidance of an expert advisor. Your semester-long project may be broad-based or focused on a specialized area of HR, and requires you to demonstrate mastery of the seven program learning outcomes: creative & critical thinking, global competence, ethical reasoning and values, applied problem solving, information literacy, technological competence, and communication. Note: This course is a core requirement for the MPS degree. A grade of “B” or higher is needed to pass this course.

Note: This course is completed asynchronously online. This course is a core requirement for the MPS degree. A grade of “B” or higher is needed to pass this course.

  • Course #: MPHR-7990-101
  • CRN: 37939
  • Instructor: Babalola, O.
  • Dates: Jan 08 – May 10, 2025


Human Capital Analytics

The twenty-first century has ushered in a new era of data and analytics. This presents a unique opportunity for HR professionals to establish themselves as credible business partners, helping organizations to leverage analytics to make smarter talent and strategic decisions. This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to unlock the power of people data. From basic data reporting, statistical analysis, and benchmarking (descriptive analytics) to advanced quantitative analysis and modeling (predictive analytics), you will learn tools and techniques for data analysis. The course provides practical tips to help you translate your analytical findings into impactful HR solutions, and communicate your findings through persuasive visualization and storytelling. Ethical and legal issues that may arise from using analytics to make HR decisions will also be explored. Using real-world case studies, application exercises and group projects, you will learn how to develop a data-driven decision-making mindset, to improve the way organizations recruit, deploy, develop, assess, reward and retain talent.

Note: This course is completed asynchronously online. Students are advised to take this course after completing MPHR 5200: Research Methods & Data Analysis for HR.

  • Course #: MPHR-5300-101
  • CRN: 37937
  • Instructor: Jones, R.
  • Dates: Jan 08 – May 10, 2025


Managing Global/Remote Talen

The world of work has transformed so dramatically in recent years that many organizations are still struggling to comprehend these unprecedented shifts, let alone respond to them effectively. With the pandemic accelerating remote and hybrid work and creating a fully digital global workforce, organizations need HR professionals to help them navigate disruption. This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to manage the future of work and prepare your workforces and workplaces for ongoing change. You will learn how to analyze changes in global labor markets and employment law landscapes, leverage analytics and technology for workforce management, and build a culture of trust, empowerment, and inclusion. Blending theory and practice, the course offers real-world case studies, interactive exercises, and collaborative projects to develop your expertise as a change agent. You will gain field-tested tools, frameworks, and emerging best practices for engaging, motivating, and managing geographically distributed teams and flexible workforces.

Note: This course does not have any meeting times. This course is completed online.

  • Course #: MPHR-7450-101
  • CRN: 46781
  • Instructors: Martucci, W. , Saboe, K.
  • Dates: Jan 08 – May 10, 2025


Research Mthds Data Anlytcs HR

As scientific research output on human resources management continues to grow rapidly, there is wide acceptance of the need for HR professionals to embrace evidence-based practice. This requires using the best available scientific evidence, as well as systematically gathering organizational facts, data, indicators, and metrics. Exploring the fundamentals of research methods and data analysis, this course is designed to help you become a more sophisticated consumer and producer of research. As a consumer, the course will equip you with the skills to make informed, critical, and cautious use of published research. A central focus of the course is preparing you to produce high-quality research. You will learn how to formulate research questions, design research projects, and collect, analyze and interpret data using qualitative and quantitative methods. Employing a learning-by-doing approach, you will develop your research and analytical skills, and gain the foundational knowledge and skills to leverage HR research and analytics for effective problem-solving and decision-making.

Note: This course is completed asynchronously online.

  • Course #: MPHR-5200-101
  • CRN: 37941
  • Instructor: Garrett, O.
  • Dates: Jan 08 – May 10, 2025


Talent Acquisition & Mgmt.

As competition for talent intensifies around the world, organizations are facing unprecedented challenges in acquiring, retaining, and engaging the talent they need to meet the demands of their customers and stakeholders. These problems are accentuated by shifting demographics, unpredictable market conditions, and disruptive technologies. Organizations expect HR to help them respond effectively to these trends, creating and delivering a strategy to meet their current and future talent needs. Exploring the fundamentals of talent acquisition and management, this course covers the key concepts, methods, techniques, and tools in recruitment, selection, workforce planning, employer branding, and staffing system evaluation and technology. You will learn evidence-based approaches and best practices for acquiring and managing talent, with particular attention paid to ethical, legal and diversity considerations. Through real-world case studies, application exercises and team-based learning, you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to improve hiring processes and outcomes, create a positive candidate experience, retain key talent, and plan for future workforce needs.

Note: This course is completed asynchronously online.

  • Course #: MPHR-6100-101
  • CRN: 44414
  • Instructor: Gravitz, J.
  • Dates: Jan 08 – May 10, 2025