Master's in Sports Industry Management
Anthony Forbes

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06 Feb 12-1pm ET
Master's in Sports Industry Management Webinar  
« Faculty
Anthony Forbes

Anthony (A.J.) Forbes is a public speaker, writer, and Coordinator of Collectively-Bargained Player Benefits and Retired Player Programs for the National Football League (NFL), assisting retired NFL players in navigating careers after their NFL experience and administering player benefits. A.J.'s role sits at the intersection of athlete development and partnership management, where he provides reskilling and upskilling opportunities, coordinates Super Bowl Career Fairs, shares stories of transferable skills, manages relationships with dozens of organizations interested in hiring retired NFL players, and much more.

While working at NFL PCF, A.J. earned his Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master’s in Sports Business Management (MSBM) from the University of Central Florida in December of 2021, where he served as a lead graduate assistant for Dr. Richard Lapchick at The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES).

Prior to his time at the NFL League Office, the Iowa-native had an array of internships, including with the Kansas City Chiefs, The Trust (Powered by the NFLPA), and the University of Northern Iowa - where he went to undergrad.