Online Master's in Project Management
Career Outlook

28 Mar 12-1pm ET
Master's in Project Management Webinar  
08 Apr 11:30am-1pm ET
SCS Open House Lunch  

Today, organizations are more reliant than ever on project-driven business models. Georgetown’s Project Management degree positions you for success in this growing field.

According to the Project Management Institute’s “Pulse of the Profession” report, “champion” organizations—those with 80 percent or more of projects being completed on time and on budget—are prioritizing the development of technical skills, leadership skills, and strategic and business management skills. Georgetown’s program equips you with the technical expertise and managerial insights needed to meet these evolving demands.

Upon completing the program, you’ll be primed to pursue a successful career across a broad range of industries and organizations.

What comes after a master's degree? Explore Careers in Project Management.

Where do people in this field work? Professional scientific, and technical services 31 % Manufacturing 1 4 % Finance and insurance 1 4 % Information 7 % Healthcare and social assistance 7 % Educational services 5 % Real estate and rental & leasing 3 % Number of project-oriented roles that employers need to fill each year 2.2 million Median salary for PM1project managers $87,250 Project Manager Project Coordinator Senior Project Manager Assistant Manager Project Administrator Project Manager II Associate Project Manager Top titles within the project manager occupation:

Sources: Burning Glass Labor/Insight, PayScale, Project Management Institute