Matthew Hamilton

Matthew Hamilton came to Georgetown University after studying theology and theological ethics for six years.

Matthew Hamilton

Raised in the Great State of Texas, he completed his undergraduate degree at the Moody Bible Institute in downtown Chicago before completing an MA(TS) at Princeton Theological Seminary, concentrated in Religion in Society. AT PTS, he engaged most deeply w St. Augustine and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, but he ultimately became disenchanted with Christian ethics' approach to international relations. He thus switched from Theology to Government in applying to and joining Georgetown's graduate school. He primarily studies normative international relations, especially critiques of hegemony and hegemonic exit. He has completed comprehensive exams in both Political Theory and International Relations, earning a distinction on the latter exam, and hopes to defend his dissertation by May 2024. Beyond academia, Matthew loves NBA basketball (especially the Rockets and Bulls), rock music (especially Silent Planet and The Devil Wears Prada) and whiskey (especially Balcones).