Andrew Ross

I am generally interested in U.S. Imperialism, Statecraft, and Militarism in the 20th Century.

Andrew Ross

Much of my research includes a particular thematic focus on Science, Technology, and Environmental Change. Past projects of mine have explored the role of the Women Strike for Peace movement within 1950s/1960s anti-nuclear activism; Carl Sagan, Edward Teller, and the public discourse of the Nuclear Winter Hypothesis in the mid-1980s; and 19th Century U.S. colonial expansion into the Pacific during the "Age of Guano." My dissertation research examines the establishment and growth of the U.S. Missile Range System as a key infrastructure for U.S. global power projection during the Cold War. The primary sites of my research are White Sands Missile Range of the North American West, the Eastern Range of the Atlantic, and the Western Range of the Pacific. This research will shed light on how the U.S. used the atmosphere, low-Earth orbit, and aerospatial technologies to maintain its global hegemony.