Online Master's in Design Management & Communications

18 Mar 12-1pm ET
Master's in Design Management & Communications Webinar  
08 Apr 11:30am-1pm ET
SCS Open House Lunch  

To earn an MPS in Design Management & Communications, you must successfully complete 11 courses (33 credits total), including:

  • 2 core courses (6 credits total):
    • Ethical Design
    • Capstone
  • 4 foundation courses (12 credits total):
    • Visual Communications
    • Design Management & Strategy
    • Design Thinking
    • Design Leadership
  • 5 elective courses (15 credits total):
    • For a current list of electives, visit the Courses page.

Required Software

Some Design Management & Communications courses will require students to use Adobe Creative Suite in order to complete assignments. This software is available to Georgetown students at a discounted rate of $20 per month through the University's Software Webstore.

Program Format

The Design Management & Communications program is offered in an online format. You’ll complete your studies through a blend of online lectures, group discussions, and applied coursework. For an inside look at the program format, watch the video below:

You’ll have the flexibility to earn your degree at a pace that suits your schedule:

  • Full-time students typically take 9 credits (3 courses) during the fall and spring semesters. 
  • Part-time students typically take 3 to 6 credits (1 to 2 courses) during the fall and spring semesters.
  • Although students are not required to take credits during the summer semester, they have the option of registering for one or more courses in order to continue their progress year-round.


All programs offered by Georgetown University are accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.