Online Master's in Design Management & Communications
Andrea Rorer

06 Mar 6-8pm ET
Artificial Intelligence Across Industries  
18 Mar 12-1pm ET
Master's in Design Management & Communications Webinar  
« Faculty
Andrea Rorer

Andrea comes to you with a wealth of knowledge from both public sector and federal government marketing. She is extremely passionate about the entire communications industry, and loves teaching and learning from the next generation of communications professionals.

Andrea has established a career in the federal government, working for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT serving as the lead for social media marketing.

Andrea earned both her Bachelor of Science from Bowie State University, and her Master of Science from University of Maryland's Global Campus both focused in Communications & Public Relations. She also completed a Social Media Marketing graduate certificate at Georgetown University's School of Continuing Studies.