Master's in Journalism
Carole Feldman

06 Mar 6-8pm ET
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« Faculty
Carole Feldman

Carole Feldman is the faculty director of the Master’s in Journalism at Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies. Within the Journalism program, Feldman teaches the Ethics and Capstone courses. She is currently a news editor in the Washington bureau of the Associated Press (AP).

In her role at the AP, Feldman oversees coverage of domestic policy, including health, the environment, education, housing, veterans affairs, and other beats. She also serves as an elections analyst, helping call presidential, Senate and gubernatorial races. During her tenure, she has supervised coverage of the White House, Congress, national security and the economy, as well as presidential and congressional elections.

She has a special interest in journalism ethics and served as a member of the ethics committee for the Society of Professional Journalists for 10 years.

Feldman earned a Master’s in Journalism from Boston University and a Bachelor’s in Journalism from Pennsylvania State University.