Master's in Journalism
Kevin Grant

01 Aug 12-1pm ET
Journalism—Virtual Sample Class  
24 Sep 12-1pm ET
Master's in Journalism Webinar  
29 Oct 12-1pm ET
Master's in Journalism Webinar  
« Faculty
Kevin Grant

Kevin teaches Ethics in Journalism & Accountability Journalism at Georgetown's School of Continuing Studies.

He is the co-founder and chief development officer at The GroundTruth Project, home to Report for America and Report for the World, pioneering service journalism initiatives that have created more than 700 full-time reporting positions in 400+ newsrooms in 29 countries over the last 7 years.

Previously he led more than 300 journalism fellowships in 50 countries based on a model he co-developed at GlobalPost, where he began an award-winning track record of editing and publishing in-depth public interest media for tens of millions of people, working with leading partners like The Atlantic, PBS FRONTLINE, USA Today, NBC News and NPR.

Kevin is a graduate of the Media Transformation Challenge (formerly Sulzberger) fellowship at the Poynter Institute and is now contributing to a book about religious leaders worldwide as a journalism fellow at the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture.

He holds an M.A. in online journalism from the University of Southern California's Annenberg School. There he was a Dean's Scholar and a founding editor of Annenberg's groundbreaking digital news organization Neon Tommy, now Annenberg Digital News.

A two-time International Center for Journalists fellow, Grant has reported from more than a dozen countries on four continents. He has moderated and spoken on panels at many of the world's leading journalism events and currently serves on the board of Gigafact.