Master's in Journalism
Julia Clancy

29 Jan 12-1pm ET
Master's in Journalism Webinar  
11 Feb 11:30am-1pm ET
SCS Open House Lunch  
Photo of Julia Clancy

December was a busy month for Journalism student Julia Clancy—and not just because of the holidays.

December 8 was the last day of her internship on the Politics Desk of NBC News. Four days later, she started a new job, also at NBC, as a Desk Assistant for the Washington bureau.

And the next day, December 13, she presented her Capstone project—a video documentary on therapeutic horseback riding—thereby completing her master’s in Journalism in all of 18 months.

“It was all like a whirlwind,” Clancy said.

That might also describe her job at NBC, where she’s learning the business from some of the nation’s top journalists.

“Broadcast news is 24-7,” she said. “There’s no downtime.”

Clancy loves the fast pace; and she was well prepared for it at Georgetown’s School of Continuing Studies, where she took classes from working professionals at national news organizations such as The Washington Post, Associated Press, and Bloomberg News.

Her writing class with Bloomberg’s Alan Bjerga was especially helpful. “I thought I knew how to write in college,” she said. “but this was the best writing course I’ve ever had.”

After landing her internship through the Journalism program, Clancy spent much of the fall on the presidential campaign, transcribing speeches, town halls, and other appearances by the candidates’ surrogates. (“A lot of Ivanka, a lot of Chelsea, and a lot of Pence,” she said.) She then summarized key points and memorable soundbites for NBC’s reporters.

“I would love to be a reporter covering politics,” she said, “especially since I was able to see the political coverage firsthand while interning at NBC.”