Master's in Applied Intelligence
On-Campus Course Schedule for Summer 2024

16 Sep 12-1pm ET
Master's in Applied Intelligence Webinar  
21 Oct 12-1pm ET
Master's in Applied Intelligence Webinar  

Advanced Analytical Techniques

This course is designed to provide an opportunity for students to explore techniques used by the intelligence community and to apply those techniques to intelligence problems. Focusing on a variety of techniques and technological tools, this course will expose students to new and useful methods for conducting intelligence analysis. Students will also refine their skills in advanced analytic techniques by completing multiple analytical projects.

  • Course #: MPAI-5640-40
  • CRN: 19865
  • Instructor: Rubin, S.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Thu 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Applied Intel Communications

This course focuses on oral and written communication skills in applied intelligence. Students will learn how to communicate information effectively to leaders and decision makers in areas of law enforcement, homeland security, and competitive business intelligence. Students will learn about practical techniques and concepts for producing reports, briefs, and infographics relevant to each of these fields within applied intelligence.

  • Course #: MPAI-5620-40
  • CRN: 19864
  • Instructor: Goldsmith Romero, A.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Tue 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Ethics: Applied Intelligence

The Ethics course is a core course in all of SCS’s MPS programs. In the first part of this course, students are introduced to appropriate ethical methodologies, principles, values, and frameworks. In the second part of the course, students study discipline- and field-specific codes of ethics within the profession. The course explores the ethical responsibilities all intelligence professionals have toward themselves, corporations, the government, and the public. Students contrast the roles and responsibilities of intelligence professionals among other law enforcement, homeland security, and competitive business professionals. In the third part of the course, students apply an appropriate decision-making framework and gain experience in decision-making surrounding ethical issues. Course discussions will center on issues involving privacy and confidential or sensitive information. During their final project, students codify an individual code of ethics in relation to professional codes of conduct.

Note: This is a core requirement of the degree. Students must earn a grade of "B" or better.

  • Course #: MPAI-5000-40
  • CRN: 19788
  • Instructor: Marianos, R.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Mon 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Global Comp. Intelligence

This course examines Competitive Intelligence (CI) as the collection and analysis of information to anticipate competitive activity, see past market disruptions, and dispassionately interpret events in a global perspective. In addition students will develop techniques to develop analysis, which provides insight into marketplace dynamics and challenges in a structured, disciplined, and ethical manner using published and non-published sources.

  • Course #: MPAI-6735-40
  • CRN: 19867
  • Instructor: Abouzeid, S.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Tue 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Information Security

This course provides theoretical and applied foundations of information security and assurance. Students will study various types of cyber-crime and vulnerabilities of government computer systems and information networks and learn about strategies for the protection of information and computer systems and how to mitigate and respond to breaches of those systems.

  • Course #: MPAI-6750-40
  • CRN: 19869
  • Instructor: Nguyen, P.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Thu 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Intl. Perspective in Intell.

This study tour offers unique opportunities to integrate Jesuit values to the learning experience of students. First, students can learn how organized crime impacts marginalized communities and what steps can be taken to ensure social justice. Second, students will be encouraged to reflect upon the ethical considerations of using technology for surveillance and to discern the most ethical choices in complex situations. Students will also be able to appreciate cyber threats not just from a security standpoint but also in terms of their impact on vulnerable populations. Finally, students will be able to explore how transnational intelligence sharing can be used for the greater global good, promoting peace and international cooperation. In addition, there are several museums and churches in Madrid that expose the Jesuit Heritage.

Note: This course includes a study tour to Madrid, Spain. The travel dates are June 21 - 29, 2024. A travel fee of $1,733 and student health fee of $65 will be added to the tuition cost for the course. This fee is non-refundable once registration is confirmed.

  • Course #: MPAI-6900-40
  • CRN: 20043
  • Instructor: Lemieux, F.
  • Dates: May 20 – Jul 13, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Mon 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Intro to Applied Intelligence

This course provides a thorough understanding of intelligence analysis as a field and the tools and techniques associated with intelligence as related to law enforcement, homeland security, cybersecurity, and competitive business intelligence. Students gain a solid grounding in fundamental intelligence concepts and learn how to develop an intelligence strategy, select frameworks and tools for gathering and processing relevant data, and present findings in an effective manner. Assignments include case study assessment and the creation of a strategic intelligence plan.

  • Course #: MPAI-5600-40
  • CRN: 19862
  • Instructor: Sharma, R.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Tue 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Psych of Applied Intelligence

This course examines the mental machinery behind intelligence analysis and focuses the learner on understanding the fundamental thought processes behind how our mental machinery works in an analytical setting. With specific focus on critical thinking and understanding and moving beyond biases, the course provides students with an opportunity to examine cases in which objectivity and critical thinking have not been present and allows students to explore how those case studies would have been different with an understanding of the psychology behind intelligence analytics.

  • Course #: MPAI-5610-40
  • CRN: 19863
  • Instructor: Zulauf, B.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Mon 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Uncv. Threats/Counterterrorism

This course will build students’ analytical skills to examine policy issues in strategic counterterrorism planning, particularly in the use of applied technologies within the context of civil jurisdiction and rule of law. Students will discuss policy issues that address the balance and tension between security and civil liberties to effectively counter terrorism.

  • Course #: MPAI-6760-40
  • CRN: 19870
  • Instructor: Billy, J.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Wed 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM