Master's in Cybersecurity Risk Management
On-Campus Course Schedule for Summer 2024

18 Sep 12-1pm ET
Programs in Cybersecurity Risk Management Webinar  
23 Oct 12-1pm ET
Programs in Cybersecurity Risk Management Webinar  


Program staff will manually register eligible students for capstone course. A grade of "B" or higher is needed to pass this course. Core requirement for MPS degree.

  • Course #: MPCR-7990-41
  • CRN: 19861
  • Instructor: Moriarty, K.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Wed 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Ethics in Cybersecurity

In the first part of this course, students are introduced to methodologies, principles, values, and frameworks to facilitate the study of ethics. In the second part of the course, students study discipline- and field-specific codes of ethics within the profession. The course explores the ethical responsibilities all cybersecurity professionals have towards themselves, corporations, the government, and the public. Students contrast the roles and responsibilities of security professionals with those of other information technology professionals. In the third part of the course, students apply an appropriate decision-making framework and gain experience navigating ethical issues in decision-making. Course discussions center on issues involving privacy, confidentiality, and sensitive information. During the final project, students codify an individual code of ethics in relation to professional codes of conduct. Students must receive a grade of B or higher to graduate.

Note: This is a core requirement of the degree. Students must earn a grade of "B" or better.

  • Course #: MPCR-5000-40
  • CRN: 19871
  • Instructor: Applegate, S.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Tue 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Information Security

This course provides theoretical and applied foundations of information security and assurance. Students study various types of cyber-crime and vulnerabilities of government computer systems and information networks. Students learn about strategies for the protection of information and computer systems and how to mitigate and respond to breaches of those systems.

  • Course #: MPCR-5750-40
  • CRN: 20014
  • Instructor: Nguyen, P.
  • Dates: May 20 – Aug 17, 2024
  • Class Meetings:
    • Thu 5:15 PM - 8:15 PM