Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Mission & Values of the SCS Diversity, Equity, Belonging, and Inclusion Council
The mission of the Diversity, Equity, Belonging, and Inclusion Council (DEBIC) is to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at the School of Continuing Studies (SCS) by supporting and organizing projects, promoting activities, broadening community participation, and raising awareness about these issues.
Founded in 2020, the Council works to create welcoming spaces for all members of the SCS community to share their perspectives and engage in the shared work of social equity and inclusion across the entire School. Our vision is to grow more fully a “Community in Diversity” in which all SCS feel included, welcomed, and affirmed in the diversity of their identities. We aim to cultivate a reflective professional and academic culture in which all members of the community contend with–both within Georgetown SCS and beyond–the persisting manifestations of structural injustice and exclusion that deny human dignity to persons because of their identities.
- Humility: We recognize that we will make mistakes but will strive to listen and learn from one another. Progress, not perfection, will be our guide.
- Inclusivity: We strive to be attuned to the perspectives of all members of the community, with a special attention to the persons who are often marginalized in predominantly white, hetero-normative, able-bodied spaces because of their non-dominant identities.
- Commitment to Action: We realize meaningful social change will not occur unless plans become actionable and lead to measurable outcomes.
- Collaboration: We affirm that an interdisciplinary and cross-sectional effort is needed in order to create a welcoming and equitable community, requiring participation of faculty, staff, students, alumni, and others who partner with Georgetown SCS.
Ways to Engage
We invite members of the SCS community to engage with DEBIC through any of the following:
- Listening Circle: DEBIC annually convenes a voluntary Listening Circle (LC) that is intended to foster increased community and connection among students, alumni, staff, and faculty as we seek to acknowledge our needs and to develop habits of wellness and reflection. DEBIC structures these spaces according to the sacred “Circle process” in order to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to share their feelings and experience. Past sessions have focused on implicit bias and being an active bystander. DEBIC will announce forthcoming LCs in the appropriate SCS newsletter for current students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
- Collaborate on Events: DEBIC welcomes ideas for co-sponsoring events regarding DEI-related topics.
- Participate in a DEI-Related Training Workshop (SCS Faculty & Staff): In collaboration with Dean Kelly Otter, SCS senior leadership, and other Georgetown offices, DEBIC organizes DEI-related training workshops for full-time faculty and staff. Examples of workshops include active bystander awareness and implicit bias.
- Share Your Ideas: We encourage you to share your additional ideas and suggestions at debic@georgetown.edu.
An all-volunteer group, DEBIC comprises full-time SCS faculty and staff who represent a wide range of programs and departments across the School. The committee meets on a biweekly basis to discuss, plan, and advance initiatives, events, and other engagement opportunities related to DEI. If you are interested in being an active member, please contact debic@georgetown.edu.*
- Corrine Packard Beasley, Assistant Professor of the Practice, MPRE Real Estate Program
- Qi Chen, Senior Assistant Dean of Custom Programs
- Carolina Chernacov, Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships
- Caitlin Cochran, Ed.D., Senior Associate Dean, Summer and Program Development
- Lynnecia Eley, Assistant Dean for Analytics, Technology and Security Programs
- Jaeidah Flowers, Program Director, MPS Journalism and MPS Design Management & Communications
- Angel Gonzalez, Director of Student Affairs
- Kimberly Grimmick, Ed.D., Instructional Design & Technology Specialist
- Haroot Hakopian, Ed.D., Assistant Dean of Student Affairs - Summer & Special Programs
- Samantha Hinckley, Program Director, Liberal Studies
- Sanaa Hiraki, Program Director, MPS in Integrated Marketing Communications
- Kristen Hodge-Clark, Ph.D., Senior Assistant Dean, Program Planning
- Jamie Kralovec, Associate Director for Mission Integration
- Teria Mahoney, Marketing Project Manager
- Sarah Purcell, Program Coordinator - Summer & Special Programs
- Amanda Reich, Program Director, Business and Management
- Sherry Steeley, Ph.D., Teaching Professor
- Brittany Strong, Program Manager, Business & Management
- Melissa Netzband Wathen, Public Services Librarian
*Currently open to full-time faculty and staff at SCS
- Georgetown Offices & Resources
- For Students
- For Faculty & Staff
- Contact
- For additional queries, please contact debic@georgetown.edu.