Doctor of Liberal Studies
Career Outlook

08 Apr 11:30am-1pm ET
SCS Open House Lunch  

Disruptive technologies, globalization, and industry shake-ups are creating a wealth of opportunities and challenges for leaders and entrepreneurs across industries. As today’s job market continues to evolve, new careers are emerging, which demand creativity, broad knowledge, and the ability to fit disparate pieces of information into a coherent whole. To successfully navigate these shifting landscapes requires a distinct way of seeing, thinking, and doing—it requires mental agility and adaptability. These skills are at the core of a liberal studies education.

According to a recent Pew report, as robots, automation, and artificial intelligence perform more tasks and there is massive disruption of jobs, there will be an increased focus on cultivating human skills that AI and machines can't duplicate. The report went on to note that workers of the future must learn to deeply cultivate and exploit creativity, collaborative activity, abstract and systems thinking, complex communication, and the ability to thrive in diverse environments.

A Georgetown liberal studies education—one based in the traditions of some of the world’s greatest philosophers and teachers—provides you with instruction in multiple disciplines and prepares you to dissect complex questions, analyze nuanced problems, and develop creative and well-reasoned solutions.

Why Liberal Studies?

According to a recent study by Forbes, employees with liberal arts backgrounds are increasingly in demand. These individuals have not only honed valuable skills that might be left underdeveloped in other majors, but also a wide breadth of knowledge that can help them thrive in a wide variety of fields. Additionally, businesses value these graduates' critical thinking skills, communication abilities, and creativity.

The jobs with highest demand for liberal arts majors are surprisingly diverse: intelligence analyst, client service specialist, signals intelligence (SIGINT) analyst, business development manager, and project manager—compelling, high-demand careers.

$1,623 Doctoral Degree $1,341 Master’s Degree $1,137 Bachelor’s Degree $678 High School Diploma U.S. median weekly earnings by educational attainment: On average, U.S. median weekly earnings of employees with a doctoral degree are21% higherthan earnings of those with a master's degree.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics