Online Master's in Higher Education Administration

Fully Accredited Program

Acquire the skills and experience necessary to transform higher education and lead effective teams.

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05 Feb 12-1pm ET
Master's in Higher Education Administration Webinar  
11 Feb 11:30am-1pm ET
SCS Open House Lunch  

Georgetown’s Online Master of Professional Studies in Higher Education Administration prepares you to synthesize the complexities of the higher education landscape and develop connections within the global education community.

Through hands-on research and analysis students will explore current realities and issues in higher education with a global perspective, while examining the implications that globalization has on governance, operations, academic and student affairs, and enrollment. You'll learn from esteemed scholars, fellow educators, and experienced practitioners throughout the program. During your capstone, you will work closely with a faculty advisor, who serves as a guide through the detailed development and execution of the project.

  • Number of Credits
    33 credits

  • Work Outside of Each Class
    6-9 hours per week

  • Total Tuition

  • Enrollment
    Full-time or part-time

  • Time to Complete
    2–5 years

  • Semester of Entry
    Fall, spring, summer

Our online Master's in Higher Education Administration program nurtures your ability to make positive contributions early in your career and provides the opportunity to work in diverse project teams, fields, and disciplines. You will learn how to effectively communicate your ideas and strategies across our shared global community. You’ll also have the opportunity to further hone your skills in one of two optional focus areas—student affairs or administration—or develop a customized curriculum.

Using Jesuit pedagogy, our online degree courses will also engage with larger questions of social justice within ethical decision-making. You will explore issues and frameworks that are key to forming an ethical culture within your institution.

Ideal for working professionals, our program is designed to fit your schedule, with online classes that allow you to earn your degree without interrupting your career.

Upon completing the degree, you’ll become a forward-thinking practitioner, positioned to pursue a wide range of roles within higher education, including student affairs, admissions, academic advising, alumni relations, and diversity and inclusion roles.

*Tuition rates for each term are published annually, typically in February. Total tuition listed here reflects Fall semester of entry.